Captain Wrong

No choice? Did The Dude put a gun to your head or something?

It's been ages since I've seen it, but I could swear the Graduate has a brief, almost subliminal, full-frontal shot and it too was PG.

This is one of those bands I've always assumed I'd dig, but just never checked out. I knew Numero would do this right (I was a subscriber for several years and was so happy when they did the Codeine set a while back.) If I wasn't absolutely swimming in backlog (I still have a box set from my Numero sub that I haven't

I think I hooked my ex-wife by bringing that Ninja Tune 12" over on our first date. She's gone, but I still have the record.

Usually it's a big bummer to me when bands drive through Indiana and don't stop. This though…

This may be obscure to most people, but every copy of this record I've ever found is played to death. Great album as most of the Sesame Street ones are.

If this was a playable record printed on the back of the box, ala the Monkees, Archies, Banana Splits, I'd buy the shit out of this.

I'm shocked that anything connected to Dylan lore would be riddled with errors, half-truths, and misleading crap.

Hatin' on haters.

Welcome to my world. Only difference is, in my case they decided they wanted to go ahead with the distance learning for snow days thing. The tech department found out about this three or so weeks ago (and the only reason we heard was it was in the local paper. They want implementation by the end of this month.) While

This is making me feel a little better about my impending 40th birthday, I think.

*DMX barks*

Is DMX going to be in this? That's the only question that matters.

Who do they think he is, Taylor Swift?

Yeah, that's true. I just don't know why we need another version.

Very happy about Ornette: Made In America. IIRC, I have that on a shitty VHS somewhere, so it'll be nice to see that again.

Maybe not as low as you think. I'm lead technician for a rural school district and the state has just approved letting students do on-line learning for snow days, which is turning into a major pain in the ass from a logistical standpoint. First off, assuming every household has some sort of computer like device is

To that end, I'm kind of surprised he's releasing a new album at all and not taking the Gene Simmons approach of "no more new music until they get this digital piracy genie back in the bottle."

Very true. I just assumed he'd go with a tie-in with a big box retailer because I'd imagine that's where the lion's share of these CDs are going to be sold.

When are we getting the inevitable Tupac/Jimi Hendrix collab?