Captain Wrong

Being the music biz junkie I am, I'm kind of surprised he's releasing this via a traditional record company vs, partnering with a retailer like Wal-Mart. I guess I should read up on this and see what kind of deal he got. Just weird that this late in the day a conventional label would give in to the money and demands

Let's see his hands. If they look more lobster claw than human, I think we've found a missing Perfect Dark character.

He's leading the 90s retro nostalgia movement. It's been 20 years, didn't that used to be the cycle? (50s nostalgia in the 70s, 60s in the 80s, etc.)

Featuring the obligatory, and groan inducing, Snoop Doggy Dogg appearance, I'm sure.

I'd pay good money to see "Willie Nelson Goes Roller Disco" thank you very much!

What's the matter Facebook? Too good for U2?

Just spent 2.5 hours trying to install an ancient printer on an ancient Windows XP computer with the world's slowest internet in a highly chlorinated swimming pool area and I'm highly allergic to chlorine. By 3:30 I'll either be doing better or dead and right now, I'm not sure which I'm rooting for.

Just curious as to what the vintage is on L.A. Blues. While that wasn't terrible, it wasn't very memorable either.


See also: Grease, as it currently runs. A musical based on a movie based on a musical.

Not directly related, but saddest packaged Halloween costume I've ever seen: The Love Guru. Two years after that film bombed. If I remember correctly, it was still full price! That's either optimism or insanity.

Nailed it.

Can she pull her music from all public performances too? I'd love not to have to hear it while shopping or sitting in traffic coming from other people's cars, etc.

What kills me is in all the states where there were ballot measures, the left won. Legalized pot, raising the minimum wage, shooting down a "personhood" amendment, etc. And yet, the Democrats still managed to lose in these states to people who represented the opposite of those initiatives. The voters were there. They

The Valley Girl soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. Wore that cassette out, back in the day.

I keep looking at that poster and thinking "that lineup should excite the hell out of someone, but I have no clue at all who that person would be."

Well, that was…a thing?

What? Ok that really does change things for me.

Not to disagree with the McConnel disgust, but that's pretty much been Republican strategy for a while now. It speaks loudly to how fucked up the Democrats are that it keeps working.

Cool story bro: I was maybe 13 and taking drum lessons. Just had switched teachers from a very upright military guy to a much more laid back rocker burnout dude. Whereas my first teacher was all about rudiments and snare, this guy indulged my desire to play kit.