He was a headliner making decisions on who would open or middle for him. He had a well-known, well-connected agent. That’s influential, especially in the world of women he pulled that shit on.
He was a headliner making decisions on who would open or middle for him. He had a well-known, well-connected agent. That’s influential, especially in the world of women he pulled that shit on.
“Jerking off in front of women and tacitly allowing your manager to wreck the career of anyone whispering too loudly about it” comes across as worse to me than distasteful jokes. I’m sure I can share several worse jokes with you. I’m not sure the content of his comedy is the point here.
Yeah, I definitely think that was a big part of it. I know from my own personal experience how frustrating it can be when you’re trying to own your shit in conversation with someone who doesn’t owe you that and makes sure you know it. I’m a middle-aged white cishet progressive dude. I’ve had my share of conversations…
Yeah, I had a similar reaction when that statement first hit. I found it to be thoughtful and genuine.
I think an important part of the kink was that he could influence the careers of these women. I think there was a power element. I doubt he would have pulled his dick out in front of established comedians like Ellen or Kathleen Madigan or Caroline Rhea.
There’s no blueprint or expectation for what a return looked like, and it would be silly if he was apologizing all the time, but when the “long time to step back and listen” amounts to returning six months later with “golly that sucked for me” material, it just recontextualizes the contrite attitude of the letter a…
Maybe you should write your own reviews then, happywinks.
Insert Norm Macdonald clip about how he disagreed with Patton Oswalt that Cosby’s hypocrisy was the worst part, but that instead it was all the rape.
It eclipses Norm Macdonald’s torrid performance on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!
if you listened to the Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend with Andy after Norm died, Andy goes at length about how much he hates the Swedish-German joke
Big fan of Andy & both Andy Richter Controls the Universe and Andy Barker PI.
While he certainly doesn’t come off as a rube or anything, Andy’s regular-guy persona kinda masks the fact that he’s brilliant.
David Cross has talked about the hassles of making season 5. I believe the production delays were partially why Tambor snapped and screamed at Jessica Walter.
When I interviewed Philip Baker Hall for Bullz-Eye and asked him if the second season of THE LOOP was a tax-write off for Fox, he went into that kind of thing as well. It was very educational. http://www.bullz-eye.com/2008/08/08/interview-with-philip-baker-hall/
One of the first episodes of “Made in Canada” (a dark sitcom about a TV producer, known as “The Industry” when it briefly aired in the USA) was about the phenomenon that killed “Andy Barker PI”. Executives will always sabotage any project that they didn’t personally greenlight in order to prevent a rival executive from…
His description of working on “Arrested Development” really helps explain why the fourth season didn’t live up to the first three. The longer episode lengths meant that they never had to cut weaker jokes, the intersecting plotlines meant that they couldn’t change things at the last minute...
“Tim Stalin in accounting?”
Cabin Boy has to be my favorite role for Andy Richter, the Swedish-German. God I love that weird movie.
She denied trans people died in the holocaust, thinks Lolita was a romantic story, and now decides to go to war with the Best Doctor Who?