Torch and David are NOT going to demo that for you.
Torch and David are NOT going to demo that for you.
It’s under a tent/canopy thing.
But there’s nothing to mount it on!
Lol. You just search Alibaba for a part that looks close enough and order that.
Go for the electric dumptruck trike.
Jason should test the car for lead paint.
Yup. I wouldn’t be surprised if some assets were transferred to her name over the last couple of days.
Asset preservation is where my mind went.
Did they put the child up for adoption in a legit way? Or did they do it on the down-low through some sketchy-ass Facebook group or some shit? The latter is all too common and as awful as you would think.
Yep, when you’re a Pope in that situation there’s no ambiguity about what’s expected of you.
TikTok Jesus
I dunno, he wasn’t saying pray for their safety, or their acquittal, or the protection of their bank accounts and careers.
Yep. Everyone else is expendable. Your duty, as an American, is to die to soothe a cop’s fear.
Two of them in my Juke?
I was going to suggest that a UVC disinfection system would be safer but realized cops would try to use that on captives as well.
The accumulated grease comes out of the driver’s seat.
Cops work at night, too. And All Cops Are Bastards.
Cops are trained to be fucked up. They’re trained to kill rather than de-escalate.