
Obviously, media lost interest when they realized it wasn’t Tara Reid.

If instead of a claim about sexual assault, her claim was that Johnny Depp proposed to her in 1993, would you find that claim easier to believe or harder to believe given the Putin nonsense?

It’s unfortunate that she didn’t come out with this last summer. Coming out with it now can’t help but raise suspicions that it’s a last-ditch Hail Mary by a Sanders fanatic or a Russian dupe. I’m not saying either of these is true. But it’s just convenient that it came out after all the other competition for the

Yes, I can’t help but think they’re going to spur more shitty people to buy exotic animals.

Anyone who keeps exotic animals without being a legit research and species preservation operation is a grade a shit.

She probably has a shitload of unreleased songs. She could record a couple in her bathroom and release that, with the proceeds going to the workers.

They’re going to be paying for their own security here anyway, and I’d have to think Canada would be safer than Los Angeles.

“And why in the hell are Meghan and Harry moving to LA now?”

I think the Rick & Morty people might be the right people to put Mark E Rogers’ Samurai Cat on screen.

Fortunately if it’s a total catastrophe it’ll probably be just as bad for some Republican-dominated states. Which ought to make it harder to claim it was Democratic governors who fucked up. (It won’t. They’ll still try that.)

Dear COVID-19,

And a suppression model even stricter than they had proposed. Their strictest model only closed schools and most universities, not businesses, and “suggested” that people shouldn’t gather at pubs, clubs, and theaters.

It probably depends on who has manufacturing facilities in the US.

Musk probably saw this thing at the spaceport and stole the design.

Presumably once you pull the outside handle to undo the latch inside the door, it’d be easy enough to open the door from the inside as usual.

No it’s because we’re in a goddamn pandemic you idiot.

“But why are pregnant women our chosen sacrifice on the alter of public health?”

You can still speak for them via the phone.

Or own the buildings as short term AirBnB rentals.

“Landlords can and do work so closely with developers to stifle construction and competition in order to drive up both mortgage and rents.”