
Miley Cyrus got “freedom” and a note from Yoko Ono tattooed on herself to celebrate divorced life.”

“I’m all for keeping cops safe (we OWE them)“

Cops are mostly killed by accident or suicide, not murder.

It’s up there with casual treatment of negligent firearm discharges, or of parents whose children get access to their gun and kill themselves/someone else.

Yeah, but garbage men have it worse and you don’t see them getting the constant “hero” blowjobs, even though they kill many fewer unarmed/innocent people.

“The light you saw was the crosswalk signal.”

“Someone gave her the idea that she’s somehow the inheritor of Prince’s mantle (why would that not be buried with him?)“

41 Buick. I never saw it, they had it in the 50s and I didn’t arrive until 71, but it’s the only car of theirs I’d want to have today.

5th Gear: You left out this part

Relax, Tesla will just make the CyberTrailer, which is just a CyberTruck without a passenger compartment but with the full complement of batteries and motors.

“Computer-guided truck without brake pedal hits cone in public parking lot” is still a story.

Matt was probably driving a vehicle with a brake pedal and mirrors, unlike Musk.

Am I mistaken or is it true that the Cybertruck... lacks a brake pedal?

I doubt a hairy straight guy in a mankini would get the same response from Jezebel.

Steroids and human growth hormone: they’re not just for the youngsters anymore. And if you’re past your practical reproductive age, who cares if your nuts shrink.

Yes, it seems crazy to me. Let alone 180 years as this kook claims to believe he will live. Even if he could manage it, that’d be 120 years past retirement age. 100 years of that probably spent in a nursing home dodging bedsores and eating thickened liquid foods.

You may not like it but that’s just what peak human performance looks like.

I believe the “caloric restriction” in question is relative to a normal baseline, ie, a second mouse that is kept at a normal amount of food, not to the mouse’s own metabolic requirements. So there’s no need to chase caloric restriction down to starvation.

They’re not going to build a warehouse in the fancy new Hudson Yards development, which features a $200 million art/architecture structure.

Just because they call it an HQ doesn’t make it one.