
They should get married and take each others’ names. David David and Keith Keith.

Search for “notary” at

I’m a 47 year old straight guy, so not in the audience these women are talking to, but when I see “commune” I think “possibly a cult.” I’m probably not the only person who thinks along these lines.

It’s basically a Vector.

Nobody really cares much if it’s laser or LED. What they care about is the toner vs ink distinction, and “laser” is a useful proxy for “uses toner”.

If it’s a single-person-occupancy bathroom, why not?

You know, you could always use the other bathroom, so long as there’s nobody in there (like if it’s a single-occupancy bathroom).

I estimate that it’s about 8,000 degrees F under that cat.

You’re trying sooooo hard to maintain your illusions about Trump’s competence. Keep at it little buddy, maybe someday it’ll become real.

“if Putin “Pulls a Crimea” on us we have a problem.””

Haven’t you heard? Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

My cut & paste from Lawfare addresses the impolite part.

They have universal government-paid healthcare funded by the government including flights to treatment elsewhere if necessary.

Until the sea level rises and the tacky princelings find their castles washing away.

Me, reasonable: Wow, why not let the PM call the people what they want to be called?

The subsidies aren’t that big of a deal. I mean come on. It’s Denmark, not Vanuatu. $600 million a year isn’t that big of a stretch. Denmark’s budget deficit is like 0.6%, compared to America’s ~8%. I’m not sure the US should be telling Denmark what it can or can’t afford.

Shrug. Take it up with the Greenlanders. It was their referendum.

By a 2008 referendum on Greenland, Greenlanders are recognized as a separate group of people under international law, and Greenlandic is the official language.

a concept that has previously been floated by multiple administrations without all the cat-calls.”

Also, Thule base is resupplied in part by sea, but only during summer when the bay isn’t frozen. Thule is the only Air Force base with a tugboat. The tug is pulled ashore over the winter. (At least, according to Wikipedia.)