
It’s not about being Italian, it’s about not being smart.

Um, I think that’s the absolute least of the problems with the damned thing.

“rather than obviously and inevitably doomed”

Drool, or... something similar..

I guess the Holocaust museum expects us to believe they would say the same thing if the border camps were full of Jewish people.

As has been noted on Twitter lately, Anne Frank didn’t die in the gas chambers, and wasn’t shot. She died of Typhus, which is carried by lice, of which there are an abundance in our concentration camps.

I think she’s probably illegal in Germany.

“ And what would make a good donor frame”

I think there should be a “Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains” reunion / sequel movie. Laura Dern, Diane Lane, etc as middle aged punk rockers.

“It will probably require a neural network as well.”

“We have worshiped at the altar of stem and the best and the brightest for decades.”

“ they’d find the old man sitting on the curb in front of his DC hotel, eating a Big Mac and yelling ethnic slurs at a parking meter.”

“The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box

Oh god you berners are going to be so fucking annoying.

Just goes to show that Anne is truly one of our most gifted actors.

Thank you for this. My mother has been low-key consumed by Judge Judy’s hair situation.

Then they can explain *that* to voters.

I suspect a ute could actually be useful for hauling things for her various projects, which might not fit as well into a trunk or hatchback.

It’d be easier to run them out of Congress if we have them going on the record defending Trump from impeachment after the full case is laid out. That won’t look good to the independents and centrists whose votes they need.

Oh, weren’t there some Newt-driven government shutdowns also contributing to the weakening of the GOP in the late 90s?