
It weakened them because it was a petty, tawdry case and people didn’t like waking up to news reports talking about cigars and semen stains. After trying to pin anything at all on Clinton for years that’s all they came up with?

I’m 48 this year, so I doubt it’s generational.

That’s fine, the madness is in thinking that impeachment and investigations should be downplayed in order to allow lots of time for these exercises in legislative impotence.

In 1797 a senator was impeached by the House.

It’s all about campaign ads. Next year Dems will be able to run ads saying they did this, that, and the other.

Pelosi needs to impeach McConnell.

“But I really don’t see the GOP-controlled senate voting to remove Trump.”

He’d be more likely to pick Ivanka. 

“At least Trump might possibly remember some anti-war things he’s said in the past.”

“The Green New Deal and Medicare for All are our Contract With America.”

A Democratic president isn’t going to be able to accomplish anything if McConnell still controls the Senate.

“I care about a sick, dying planet and saving lives with better health care.”

Is he really? We’re already getting Pence policies, with added corruption and batshittery.

Impeachment. The only thing Democrats have control of is that they can put a big fat asterisk on Trump’s presidency, that will last forever. Even though there’s no way the Senate will convict him.

Yeah but then we gave the ship captain a medal for it.

I think that requires information about the lens? An automatic version that doesn’t need to know anything about the lens geometry would be better.

Or some other frontal lobe injury

“It’s frustrating, if unsurprising, to see that nobody in a position of authority in the NFL could properly deal with an employee who displayed a pattern of inappropriate and sexually threatening behavior.”

Construction of the first ship, HMAS Canberra, commenced in late 2008"

It’s not that wide and diffuse. It’s bigger than it was when it came out of the laser, but not as big as a spotlight.