
Oh, actually, Sunday comics are just incomprehensibly unfunny for everyone.

Oh, the subdural hematoma he had, had been there for some unknown amount of time after one of his numerous falls. We got worried because his left side was getting weaker over a matter of weeks. Turned out he had a giant blob of blood on the right side of his brain, big enough to squish the midline of the brain to the

Holy shit dude. Glad you’re still with us.

So the radiator would be like the poop bag you see horses wearing to catch their waste product.

“Which would imply that they’d position radiators in a place with more direct airflow, but that seems to conflict with your previous assertion.”

That would help with rear passengers, too. They don’t have a mirror to check.

I think the issue is that the various parts of the RV aren’t strongly coupled, which will reduce how much kinetic energy gets effectively transferred to the Prius. Instead of contributing to the impact into the Prius, the energy will break joints and couplings as the RV falls apart.

And you might not even be able to see all the kids, so you’d have to check each seat to make sure everyone’s out.

“I guess that’s why they tell you to NOT put them on on when airplanes”

“It’s the same basic philosophy as when seat belts were first introduced - the theory that you’re safer to be thrown from the vehicle in the event of an accident than to be stuck in it.”

The nonprofit had an office in the Chicago Trump building.

96 oz is only 8 12 ounce cans of soda, which I have no doubt people have ingested in one day. I probably have. Probably multiple days running.

“Purrington points out with some store-bought mason bee houses is that the blocks and reeds are glued to the back of the house.”

Don’t care. The only important thing is what halfassed Mac/macOS fuckery they announce at WWDC. What shitty hardware are they going to announce, and how are they going to fuck up the OS and APIs.

Some probably fit that description but I can’t see it being the majority. Other parents might just be dysfunctional in one way or another - addiction, mental health, whatever - leaving the kids mostly on their own. Others might be Trumpian freeloader types who aren’t even poor.

“That’s one where we got right up to the edge of what they would be comfortable with.”

Lol. Supposedly 5g could interfere with the frequencies weather satellites use to sense water vapor.


Eh, he hasn’t been shafted lately. Earlier in his career, maybe.

At least there’s no suspense about how that story ends.