
I bet nobody in that town had much trouble voting last year.

“3. Lives with other people”

No thank you.

The “nearby NASA installation” was similar to Stranger Things.

Just wait until 5G starts fucking with weather forecasting.

With 100 douches in play, Germany is lucky it didn’t collapse into a massively dense douchelarity.

By all that’s holy shouldn’t it be crushed by a larger vehicle?

More to the point there were square watches. The problem is that digital freeze-frame is too good. If you only caught a quick glimpse of that watch it could be one of those digital calculator watches. It’s only when you can freeze it that it becomes obvious.

If Dahmer had eaten lobbyists he’d be a free man.

Are you implying that some bodies were disposed of in the infield?

You made the right choice.

David Attenborough: “Ah, the tell-tale scat deposits proving that this location was recently occupied by the Greater North American Redneck.”

So apparently it’s sort of an open painting area, so stuff *does* get painted over all the time.

“harder than keeping track of some fob that you not actively interacting with?”

Also people who can’t handle proxy keys could just take the battery out. On my Juke it’ll still work if you hold it next to the start button when you start the car. But you’d need to use the physical key to get in the door.

Why would you not keep the key to a very expensive and important piece of property on your person, or at least in a known location, at all times?

The trick is to have a slow car that *feels* like you’re driving it fast, when you’re actually *not* driving it fast.

Aw, that’s not far from my old apartment from 20 years ago. Sad now.

“Then after the lecture and the ticket she proceeded to tailgate me for two miles, pushing me to go over the speed limit, basically so she could pull me over again and continue her lecture.”

And why do corporate bots not have slur/profanity filters. We had those at in 2000, and that was just for search queries.