
“doesn’t mean that she’s currently here legally”

You didn’t mention the likely reason for the bill: A Connecticut kid who mounted a handgun on a drone and posted video of it firing while flying. I think he also did a flamethrower drone.

I dunno, at least he’ll have healthcare.

“What evidence is there that this juror cares at all about Penn State?”

Really? $100 for a wee small speaker?

Do Not Taunt The Pope Ball.

Birthing food babies, perhaps...

Add nitrous.

Occupational Hazard.

The drive-thru Santeria church was a bad idea.

Yes they do.

“The gears should be properly fixed BEFORE leaving on a cross country trip.”

Wouldn’t it be easier to find something ex-Warsaw Pact?

As far as I can tell from old photos, the British desert commandos in WW2 used skinny tires on smaller vehicles, but on larger vehicles the tires look pretty beefy.

Too cheap? Nah, you’re just not ready to enter Thunderdome to fight for a set.

If there were thousands of Native American students in Washington DC, you might have a point.

I think that kind of producer is different from the Hollywood-style “big swinging dick” executive producer people.

“if he can provide solace to anybody going through that type of suffering then I can’t argue with it”

Capes and motorcycles seems like a bad combination. Haven’t you seen The Incredibles?