
Hopefully he’ll be such a disaster to our geopolitical standing, and damage the safety of Europe so badly, that his name will go on a tugboat at best.

Do they take the concrete counterweight out first?

Also a reference to this scene:

“Kids probably wouldn’t take too kindly to seeing the dismembered digits of some creepy alien flopping through the air while blood spurts out of his gaping armhole.”

It’s a birch. The bark is like layers of onionskin. Rub off the thin top layer and there’ll be a brighter-white new layer underneath. I think that’s what you’re seeing.

There’s a feral cat group in my town; they have an arrangement with a local vet to do checkups and spay/neuter, and they lend out no-kill traps. The cat I trapped was FIV+ so had to be euthanized.

Yep, trapped a feral cat, took it to a vet. Fortunately I’d put down plastic.

I had to do this with a very sick feral cat (I called him “sad pie”) that had got into our house during a snowstorm.

I think he was being facetious and expressing the attitude people expect him to hold. If you follow the link, he goes on to say he does support national healthcare “but isn’t sure everyone deserves it”. Which is still shitty.

“I was referring to its size in relation to the thing it hit.”

“or blinding”

“but this is a little one”

What is your deal. Next you’ll say it’s wrong to drip hot wax on my kids.

“Yet if you did the same thing to an adult, it would be assault.”

Don’t eat palm oil. Save the orangutans.

“A civilization can’t last with most people eating like that”

He could try “Hootie was my Slave Name but it was a happy, well-treated Slave Name who respected his master”

It’s nice to see all that clutter, like real people.

He’s Finnish, I don’t think he can get away from the ubermensch thing.

He should have run a draft past Fran and Ollie.