lol wut?
Here’s what we need to do. Going to Moab in increasingly dangerous piles of rust is getting kind of old hat, so...
They’re in Austin, judging by local Craigslist results. 5/6 of the ones for sale near me are on the Austin CL.
FYI, all of you that do this? Your co-workers have thought about stabbing you to death with a pen at least once a day an hour.
Who needs two kidneys, I mean, really?
I hate to ruin the fun but this is something they’re clearly building so it can be Bumblebee in yet another shitty Bayformers movie.
Wish granted. Rondo coming back too.
Quietly dying of AIDS, according to the Deadspin commentariot.
Nah. Hell, Ray Stevenson>>>Jon Bernthal.
Your weekly reminder that Marvel wasted Frank Grillo by having him be Crossbones instead of the Punisher.
An unhealthy obsession with taking contested 20' fadeaways.
Or he could pick up the G80's sister-under-the-skin, the Kia K900. CPO examples come in around $25K in my neck of the woods.
I dunno, I think Gandalf might have more of a basketball background. I know Kobe worked out with him for a couple summers.
I like how the Spider-Man section totally omits any mention of the hilariously awful ‘reviews’ published by this very website, (and those tools over at Deadspin) which got rightfully dragged by pretty much everyone everywhere.
Oh Basketball Gods, please let KD sign with the Knicks. You owe us that much.