
It must suck to have poor social skills

Were you a multimillionaire with access to PR training and unlimited resources? Watkins is a special kind of stupid but that doesn’t stop him from feeling like he’s a superior being.

I love black athletes. If he didn’t win the genetic lottery he’d be selling dope on the corner. Dude is dumber than a rock but somehow has a sense of superiority about him.

Right now, millions of white men are busting their ass at work. They’re building businesses and growing the economy. Jezebel hates them. Meanwhile, you’re writing this drivel but your sycophants eat it up. What a world.

Think about this for a second:

How jealous is Tom Ley right now? That dude LOVES cock in the mouth.

No black player would ever do that

Plus he’s white

Such a rich white person move. Fuck white people

Are you outraged?

Rush Limbaugh is a nutter but he’s saner than 99.9% of the lunatics on Jezebel.

Can we include that O’Brien is white and rich somewhere?

I love how Kara Brown thinks that white people can’t possibly understand diversity and that only the great and powerful black female mind can comprehend it. There is literally no evidence that black women are smarter than white men. None. Zero.

Tom Ley would love to have that hunk manhandle him

Kara Brown is completely out of control. She’s still angry that Serena CHOKED.

Oh look, a snarky liberal with absolutely no fucking clue AND he gets his comment approved. Kevin Draper you’re a fucking twat and a fucking hack. Get some talent you worthless piece of filth. Go lick the cum out of Tom Ley’s anus.

Urban Meyer is oppressing strong, brilliant black athletes.

to true.

Tom Ley: Now that’s a dick!!! I could still take all of it though.

I can’t wait for the inevitable Bartolo Colon inside the park homerun