
It looks like this is another example of white on white violence that the conservative media is trying to cover up.

Rich white dude. Fuck him. Hope he gets hit my a line drive and spends his life in a coma. #blacklivesmatter

It’s okay Obama will take care of the Chinese like he did with ISIS and Iran. He completely thwarted those threats and didn’t give an inch. Oh wait...

“Was he symptomatic?”-Tom Ley after he learned the last man who fucked his ass had AIDS

Lack of talent, creativity, drive and people skills.

Come on Deadspin, don’t fail me now. I want to see real faux outrage from a bunch of middle age white guys who pretend to be feminists. Set your outrage to 10

Wagner: Ok guys, this concussion movie looks horrible and they cut an awful scene from it.

Yep. Throw in an extra helping of white guilt and a really tiny dick then you nailed it.

But Gawker told me that black people can never be racist, sexist or do anything wrong. I don’t get it...

I like how Tom Ley is just openly fawning over men now. Congrats Tom on embracing your sexuality. No one believed your straight act but I’m proud of you for being open about your dong lust.

Shirtless European men??? TOM LEY LIKES!!!!!!!!

Umm, these schools have tutors that hold the hands of athletes and the professors all cut them slack. In fact, the only way an athlete doesn’t get through college is if he truly doesn’t give a fuck.

I know that Deadspin is ALL about blaming rich white men for EVERYTHING but I have a question...

Rich white oppressors expecting a handout. SMH. Taking money from the harder working, more talented black QBs.

The black people one has more validity than the apologist attitude of deadspin. Deadspin believes that blacks are victims of the rich, white oppressor and shouldn’t have any personal responsibility.

Look at you taking a stand against those mean body shamers. 50 internet points. Next time include something about the rich white man oppressing black people and you’ll get 100.

Kind of funny how deadspin loves this show. The actors are predominantly black but the show itself is shit.

Fat girls should take what they can get just like they do with food.

Approaching a girl at the gym is very rapey and it’s a trigger for me. Please delete, I’m having flashbacks to my sex regret.

This article hits the nail on the head. From the time I was born until I graduated from college all I heard from my parents is that we were broke and one step away from poverty. We never took vacations, bought crappy used cars and rarely went out to eat. My grandparents grew up during the Great Depression and despite