Like "hipster" and "douchebag," the word "bro" has been applied to such a vast swath of American culture that it…
Like "hipster" and "douchebag," the word "bro" has been applied to such a vast swath of American culture that it…
Perhaps most things are targeted at straight white men, and everyone who is not straight, not white, and not a man are tired of it.
The Book of Proverbs says that he who states his case first seems right until another comes forth to challenge him.
Waiter: Can I start you off with something to drink sir?
Somebody murdered my brother. Now, I'm seeking vengeance the only way I know how: by taking local businesses to task for not salting the stairs out front of their establishments and putting the health and safety of their customers at risk. Have you been hurt in a fall? Fuckin' call me, bra.
- Daddy, what do you do when you go to work?
Unretouched pigeon photo.
Jimmy Fallon, is that you?
they are 13 years old???!!!!?? I had some ramen in the micowave I forgot to get....where did my life goo
Are you sure this wasn't at the pubic wig store, Amerkin Apparel? rimshot
Hello. My name is Chris Kluwe, and for eight years I was the punter for the Minnesota Vikings. In May 2013, the…
A recent study has found that 100% of people who consume di-hydrogen monoxide will succumb to death. Details at 11.
You suffer for your craft, Kate Dries.
Literally, FUCK ALL THE THINGS except this kid.