Captain Noble

"That's not the only thing that's hard, honey." -John McClane

So, one of the messages tonight is that Negan might be a bad guy? I hope we get a few more episodes dedicated to fleshing this out because I'm still sort of on the fence about the guy.

I couldn't believe he went there.

Some people don't deserve platforms for their speech. Would you say a "civil conversation" with a flat Earther would be worth anyone's time? People like Milo should absolutely get 1st Amendment free speech protections. From the government. There is no reason private entities need to entertain their bullshit and Nazis

Or Ron Howard narrates it.

Seems to be her plan for her personal life and professional life.

That's what I'm saying. She's a loser and she turned out just fine.

Gives hope to all of the losers out there. There's someone for everyone!

He'd order a drone strike on the sender.

No. The show has been dragging its feet all season. We didn't need another episode showing us how bad Negan is. We needed the plot to move forward.

The last 5 minutes were okay, I guess, but did we really need so many episodes of nothing happening to set us up for the promise of something happening next year?

This wasn't a bad episode, but it would have been stronger if it hadn't followed weeks of plodding nothingness.

Has been revoked.

No, the next JJ title will be Star Trek Long and Prosper.

I think the writers might be trying to tell us that Negan is bad. I hope they really flesh out the details of this in the next couple of episodes since I'm really on the fence about his level of badness.

This episode bored me out of my mind. I guess the comics were, too, by this point.

Rose McIver is hot even as a pasty zombie. Hell, everyone on that show is scary good looking.

It's almost like they're the walking dead!


To brain or not to brain.