Captain Noble

I don't know. How did Bruce Willis pull it off?

SPOILERS! They were dead the whole time.

Vote Cthulhu. Why vote for the lesser evil?

I'm a straight guy, but I would have a hard time not flirting with and kissing Luke Cage if I was hanging out with him.

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears…in…rain. Time to die."

I miss the original 2099 books.

When you've lost Keillor, you know it's game over.

That was the part I really struggled with. I could kinda-sorta understand the kiss thing, but drug smuggling? Really?

He's not even supposed to be there today!

Subtlety is definitely not one of Snyder's specialties and a Watchman adaptation needed a subtle touch.

No. It's a lie.

Steve is the worst. Ugh.

These are the end times for Dewey Crowe.

Or the Wolf.

Exactly my point.

Naz may have acted stupidly, but I can't imagine anyone would be calm, cool, and collected if they woke up to find that the person they just slept with had been brutally murdered.

I, on the other hand, am trying to launch an ICBM. Apple won't be able to stop me.

Not just fear, though. They ruthlessly crush dissenting opinions and have an alliance with China.

"But, don't worry. I'm just going to go sit in that tree over there."

Who has ruled for centuries by fear alone? That may have been an aspect of some rulers/kingdoms, but there was usually more going on, as well. Cersei has no political acumen.