Captain Noble

Which can only take you so far.

It's just another reminder that conquering/taking power is often a far easier task than governing after.

She may wear the crown, but she has no allies. How does she expect to rule. I guess she doesn't understand the nature of politics and that it is much more complicated than, "I'm the King/Queen, so you must do what I say." Even with Jaime prophesied to kill her, I don't see how she could last long on the throne.

Jon will be busy preparing for the coming of the White Walkers, so I imagine Sansa will be the one handling the day-to-day ruling of Winterfell and the North.

Yes. The Targs seem to be fans of keeping it in the family, but I just don't see it playing out like that.

A pretty common thing in long-form television stories.

He's got Heartsbane, so he's going to discover the secret to Valyrian steel and clues to the problem of the White Walkers.

OSHA would definitely not approve.

2 Jesus 2 Save

The maesters keep track of it, presumably with astronomy.

Taking Theon to a whorehouse was a dick move on Yara's part.

The Shield - "Family Meeting"

"The group’s preemptive strike against the Saviors was their most morally questionable action to date."

He does like to climb.

Does Saul have an angle on dodging remotely operated machine guns?

Most people sound like idiots. FTFY.

I vote for Blue Velvet.

His vow was until his death. He died. Therefore, he's free from his vow with his honor intact.


What is dead may never die.