Captain Noble

Rachel Ray can wreck my marriage!

I want a spin off of Brienne and Pod having adventures around the world.

I think the Dorne story will morph into the same general direction of the Young Griff story: more war.

Ser Loras.

I'm anticipating the Ironborn being critical now since in the books, they are off to find Dany and her dragons.

I agree.

Sansa will be responsible for some epic ownage this season.

Kingdom Come is a must read.

Sarcasm? On the Internet? I object!

Ben-Hur 2: Ben-Hurder.

Finally! I've been waiting for a big-screen adaptation of this story forever.

This has been my frustration with the comics. Oh, look, another group of bad guys. Oh, look, more killing. There's not a lot of variety to the storytelling and there absolutely could be.

That's what I thought. Entering a compound with the intention of killing everyone in cold-blood is a lot more of a line crossing.

That's my general frustration with the show. Much of the drama comes from characters acting stupid and forgetting everything they should have learned by now. Sure, it's still entertaining, but I'm often left saying, "Really?"

They had time while they were finding a walker to make up the head. A couple of them could have scouted around the compound to estimate its size and how many people might be moving around inside.

So, they couldn't scout around the compound to get a better estimate of its size and how many people are moving around in there? Yeah, it's not perfect, but it would have been better than flying in blind.

Was it too complicated to maybe take a little bit of time to scout the compound before they went in guns blazing? Have they learned nothing from the ZA?

Really? I can't see any of 'em.


Obviously they need to rewatch the show to get it all down.