Captain Noble

So, when Jesus showed evidence that he had a camp and probably others with him, stole their van full of supplies, attacked them when they tried to get it back, he wasn't presenting any sort of danger?

I have no problem with the Rick and Michonne hookup.

I just kept thinking Rick and Daryl have obviously learned nothing from their exploits. They would have shot Jesus right away in previous seasons.

They got their away team tips from Star Trek.

After everything they've been through, I couldn't figure out why they didn't shoot Jesus right away. Oh, yeah, plot. Ugh.

Exactly. As long as I'm entertained, I don't much worry about the details. Sure, I might poke fun at 'em and have a laugh about it; but damn it, if I'm enjoying the show, I'm not going to fly into a frothy rage about it. I wouldn't call Supergirl a great show, but it is good. I don't expect every show to be The Shield

I guess I'm an idiot. <shrug>

Still unnecessary.

The only thing that made me roll my eyes was the addition of a love interest for Allanon. It was completely unnecessary.

Actually, the Elves were always here; we just couldn't see them. The other races - Dwarves, Trolls, Gnomes, etc. - came about after the apocalypse.

I saw Moulin Rouge six times in the theater. I'm not ashamed.

Raylan Givens should be in all the shows.

Maybe. I read through 120 issues and it just wasn't going anywhere interesting. Some day I might jump back in, but after reading that much and finding it not really going anywhere, I'm not sweating it.

That's why I gave up on the comics.

They both have the same problems - flat characters, a plot that repeats itself over and over.

He probably sleeps with it. I can't imagine him letting it get more than an arm-length away.

What about Abraham's RPG?

Die Hard is the best holiday movie without a doubt.

And that's frustrating. The writers could have made it more gray, a more nuanced distinction. Instead, they make it so that killing is *always* the right decision. Granted the source material is just as bad as this, but the show has gone it's own way enough that maybe, just maybe we could have gotten some better

Subtlety and nuance are not the forte of The Walking Dead, but, damn, if the show couldn't have used some when it came to the captured Wolf. Oh, look, Carol was right all along is just frustrating and just makes Morgan look like an idiot.