Captain Noble

Carter likes Supergirl's legs and I was all, "Me too, son. Me too."

BREAKING: different people have different opinions. Details at 11.

That sounds like an argument from Fox.

When did AVClub become Slate?

Wasn't the plan to lead them 20 miles away?

It's the zombie apocalypse! There are no rules anymore.

Well, my new plan, then, in case of the zombie apocalypse is to track you down and use techniques learned from the show to…persuade you to help. Please survive until then.

If you had a lab, equipment, a lot of pigs and the know how; you might be able to pull it off.

Can you pick up power converters in a podracer? Didn't think so. Landspeeder FTW!

I want to know how they managed to keep that insulin good for so long. As a diabetic, I always tell people who ask if I have plans for the zombie apocalypse, "Yeah, gun to the head. No one is making insulin anymore, so I'd be screwed." If I keep my insulin cool, it will last about 30 days out of the fridge.

Zoom is Patty. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Jessie didn't feel like anything new. Neither did Maggie/Aaron. I'll give you Denise, though.

That's not true! That's impossible!

The consensus seems to be that he's not dead at this point; but that unless there is a major turn from the comics, his time is limited.

This episode was frustrating. It was a lot of thumb twiddling without any real character development.

Lobo! That fraggin' bastich!

This was a very underwhelming trailer.

We'll see, I guess. I still plan on tuning in, but I can't say this trailer made me very excited.

I thought the full trailer was a bit of a let down. I've read the comics, so I know the full story, but I don't think any of that was really conveyed.

Glenn is already in the barn.