Captain Noble

That was the real magic.

Val Kilmer's performance and James Horner's score make this movie. I rewatch it fairly regularly because it's so damn entertaining.

I always felt there was something a little off about Rabin. Now I know what it is.

Ugh. No. Just…no.

See also: Carson, Ben.

This was one of my favorite movies growing up. When I got older and actually read the book, I was quite shocked at how little a part the giant squid actually plays.

He's not the one for you. Time to dump him and move on.

My first exposure to David Lynch was Lost Highway. I was barely out of high school when I rented this from Blockbuster, bored and not knowing what to expect. Wow. I was blown away. I had to watch it again right away and then I began to check out the rest of his films.

Proof that there is no god: Adam Sandler continues to make movies.

It's use in Orange is the New Black was just brilliant.

It's not the bad pussy we need, but the bad pussy we deserve.

AVClub fail.

Definitely a gap here.

She was also pregnant.

Jonas probably told her he wasn't interested. Since then, she's been ice cold.

Trust no one. Except Van Damn. He always comes back.

It's not? Then what the heck sort of message has Hollywood been sending me?

This show just keeps getting better and better. I sure hope s2 gets a green light.

It's been confirmed.

Wow. His soundtrack for Braveheart was one of the first scores I really paid attention to and made me start listening to more. RIP.