Captain Noble

I can't even imagine how epic the final battle between fire and ice is going to be.

Sadly, I have little faith in the masses. Not that I have much faith in unelected despots, either.

But maybe it should be.

I kept waiting for him to talk about thinking outside the box to move the needle and leverage core competency.

/r/AskHistorians is one of my favorites subs. Great answers and it is *heavily* moderated.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe." -Eichenwald

"Get your ass to Mars." -Douglas Quaid crossover (with bonus mutant 3-breasted chicks).

The cocaine gave him the edge he needed when it was time to turn up the heat.


When you find yourself in agreement with Jaha, it's time to step back and reevaluate your life.

I haven't seen it, yet, and am in no hurry to. Arthur's story has been done a million times. Unless you're going to do something original with the material, I'm not in a rush to see it (or the next version which will probably be out in a few years).

And American Beauty!

But you've got the energy to comment on articles about it? Huh. I'd think you'd find it more rewarding to spend time on things you enjoy.

As has been said, if Jaha likes your plan, it's time to reconsider.

The most important #lpt from tonight's ep.

I'm glad Ravi called Blaine out in front of everyone because it seems as if everyone has forgotten what a disgusting piece of work he is.

Did Ravi fuck up? Definitely. But it's also strange how Blaine seems to be getting such a pass. Whether he's faking the memory loss or not, he still killed teenagers.

Ugh. Pete was terrible. He certainly didn't deserve the happy ending he got.

He's been looking up to Dutch from The Shield.

So a whole lot of nothing happened? But it was serious and dramatic nothingness (with a dash of sexy laughter, right?) Ugh. Can't figure out why I'm still watching this show.