Captain Noble

Because he has a Tinker Bell coffee cup and frequently talks about how she's the hottest Disney character.

No Country for Hot Fairies

Very true.

One of my coworkers has a huge fetish for Tinker Bell. I'm sure this news will have him creaming his shorts.

My issue with the ending of The Dark Tower wasn't the cyclical nature of it. My issue was the epic failure of the Crimson King. He's built up to be an epic villain and then goes down like a chump.

I want my 18/100 Strength, dammit!

He's bright on strategy, just not politics.

So, he's going to die in the film/TV version? That sucks and I'm boycotting it already.

"Methods" of determining a child's gender have been around since…well, since the beginning.

I'm really disappointed that we didn't get to see her breasts again.

Her boobs will make a comeback in s2.

He's learned his lesson since then.

The HBO CEO of Tits will ensure that all breasts displayed will be of the awesome, womanly type.

He's all about sewing chaos. I'm sure he's got some clever scheme in mind to remove Stannis, one that he's not revealing to Sansa.

Yeah, I wouldn't expect them to be exposed. And no one can deny the awesomeness of gold, metal bikinis.

Jon is a stronger man than me. I would have said 'yes' before she finished making the offer.

And three-breasted aliens, no matter what Hassenger thinks.

Venus Van Dam?

Everyone assumes that Sansa is a brainless girl, though. No one, not even Littlefinger, realize that she's got a lot more going on in her head than they realize. They don't see her as a threat and her name legitimizes the Boltons in a way that killing her would not.

It was in one of the memos sent out by the HBO CEO of Tits: "You all know nothing and are going to know joblessness if you don't decrease the dick and increase the tits."