Captain Noble

That's what she said. Or maybe she was talking about Pod.

In the words of a narcoleptic Argentinian, "Never fall in love with a woman who sells herself! It always ends badly!"

Punch Drunk Love is worth it, otherwise you're completely right.

And the AVClub doorman let you in here?

"He's saying that deep down, we all want to be white!"
"Well, don't you?"

Rub one out ahead of time to relieve the pressure.

Has Superman ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

But he performs all his own miracles!

R. Kelly.

I'm working my way through The Shield. Again. Halfway through s2. It's so friggin' awesome, but knowing where it's all heading gives me a sad sense of dread and hopelessness.

Mmmm…articulate. I'll be in my bunk.

That would definitely make me tune in every night.

Christina Hendricks and her boobs should be on all the TV shows.

A proper heckling would have put that dude in his place.

It's the best of the literal videos. So much win.

"Susudio" is a personal favorite.

Worse than "My Humps"?

Maybe someone's bush isn't getting beat enough.

I didn't vote for you.