Captain Noble

The descendants of the creator of the 4/4 time signature need to be suing everyone.

You know you want it.

The Shield - "Family Meeting"

I want to be on set for Salma Hayek's dancing scene.

I want to hear this at the next school concert I get dragged to.

Obviously not enough!


The HBO CEO of Tits said Clarke's tits made him stiff, so they cast her in this.

But are these sequels going to go to 11?

It's a rape!

Well, obviously it's not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturer of dairy products.

I would pay money to see that.

Vampire: The Masquerade /dork

For people like my teen daughters who think Luke Evans is hot.

My daughters volunteer at a local hospital and the volunteers wear green polos. One of the valets (who wear red shirts) made a comment about seeing a lot of green and my oldest said, "Well, at least we're not going to die because of wearing a red shirt."

Don't get cocky, kid.