
Lords od Shadow 1 was a great game and I think the spanish developers did a good job with the art & design.

Same development here. I used to be really into concept art, gushing about Craig Mullins and similar. Now I am way more fascinated by contemporary fine artists and illustrators. You can only see so many identical Blade Runner cities and space marines before you just don’t care anymore. Movie concept art is often the

These are great! Lovely colors, great designs. Too often the concept art posted here is quite bland, even when it’s well drawn. How many downed spaceships, sci fi military helmets and post apocalypse city ruins can we look at before it gets old?

Incredibly lame. Shame on you.

Segata Sanshiro!!!!

I kid the anime fans. ;)

“The Cost of Attending every big Anime con in America”

Don’t know what the ZOLA project is. Deserve to post as much as I want.

Don’t know the name of this illustrator, but “Metal Gear Acid” also had some dope artwork.

You’re awesome dude! Thanks for sharing your comments. :)

Me too.....

Well spoken. Thank you for sharing your insight. :)

See I don’t get it. That face is badass, and she looks like SOMEONE. A recognizable person.

Ehm nope. Not at all. Go take a look at the old artwork again. Small pouty mouth, steep blonde eyebrows. The first face was much closer.

How is this related to feminism? The old face is just better because it looks more distinct, and more in line with how the old Capcom artists used to draw her. (Small mouth, blonde eyebrows.) The new face is more generic and boring. Where does feminism come into this?

I don’t like the new look, but that has nothing to do with being a feminist. I think the older face is more attractive, and more importantly, looks more like the character Cammy White. She has always had a very small “angry” mouth and pointy chin, even though different artists had their own take on her. The new face

Yeah, I’m not liking the new face. It’s “prettier” in a more generic, boring fashion, but my main complaint is actually that it looks less like the character Cammy. Naturally her appearance has shifted from artist to artist, but the very small pouty mouth and her eyebrow shape has been constant. The old SFV face

Wow, yeah on closer inspection, they’ve changed her a lot actually. Different eyebrows, lip shapes and eyes. Her face looks a lot like one of the DOA girls, like Kasumi or something. Certainly less individual. This is a shame. I don’t mind Cammy being smoking hot, but there’s nothing more boring than your standard

It’s a little hard to tell frankly, but it would be a shame if they’ve done her rounder, younger and more generic looking. It’s always a REALLY bad idea to crowd-source the looks of a female. You end up with Pamela Anderson’s body and a 12 year old face.