Here’s my thoughts.
Here’s my thoughts.
The LttP concept art is fantastic. I really wish they’d start doing art like that again for the games. I love Link’s design in it, too. It’d be great to see it happen in a newer game.
Yeah, recent Zelda concept art seems kinda enslaved by how the characters have appeared in recent Zelda games, instead of being, you know, a new concept for the new look the character might have in an upcoming game.
The 80s and early 90s Legend of Zelda concept art/manual art is sooooo good. Partly, I like it because back then they still had this little dude out on an adventure, whereas all the concept art nowadays is of bishounen Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword Link. Also a serious lack of cool landscapes on newer Zelda concept…
Considering they’ve admitted Miyazaki is one of Zelda’s greatest influences.... I dunno seems kinda redundant lol
I love this movie. My dad took me to see it before he passed from Cancer a few years later and it was so amazing on the big screen. He had read the book and loved Sci Fi (Dune was one of his favorite books) so it was a treat.
The non-military service stuff was retcon by Heinlein. The book is absurdly pro-military, pro-death penalty/corporal punishment as a way of ensuring order and the whole “military service as a prerequisite to voting instituted after a rebellion of veterans (implied paragons of civic virtue)” is pretty damn fascist.
The initial critical response to Starship Troopers (and some other Verhoeven movies I could name) is really telling, and what it tells us is: a lot of professional film critics are dumb.
You should watch the Mini series “Generation War”. It is like a German band of brothers series showing what you are talking about with enthusiastic german youths finally realizing that they are the bad guys in WW2
Verhoeven’s finest 2 hours.
In one episode of the documentary series The Story of Film: An Odyssey, the screenwriter said that years earlier he and Verhoeven had talked about making a movie about young would-be soldiers in pre-WW2 Germany who are super-enthusiastic about the Nazi “cause” without realizing that they are really the bad guys, but…
Don’t forget how surprising prescient it was. Some bizarre race we don’t understand suddenly catastrophically attacks our cities, launching us into a war in remote deserts where we hunt our enemies in caves and kill entities that are alien to us and we suffer unexpectedly large casualties instead of immediate victory…
I always feel like Heinlein gets mischaracterized a lot as a right-wing nutjob b/c of Starship Troopers, when that’s very far from the truth. When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that the guy could’ve written essentially both the right-wing bible (Troopers) and the left-wing bible (Stranger in a Strange Land)…
and baby-having licenses!
Seriously. Dina Meyer vs Denise Richards is Holly Holm vs Ronda Rousey in retrospect.
Dina Meyer in her prime. Straight up Lisa Loeb status.
This is review is very good, I’d like to know more.