Each to his own. I prefer the english soundtrack.
Chun Li vs Vega is one of the best fight scenes in any movie EVER. And that includes live action.
Did you see this? :)
Yes! The original StarFox has a sensational soundtrack. So epic and triumphant. It really makes you feel as you’re part of an ace flying wing whenever a huge boss explodes and the StarFox theme kicks in. :) I was always very disappointed that the sequels didn’t use any of the songs from the first game. Development…
Dreamcast fanboys did their part. Just no one else did and that was the problem really....
It's a fine leg.
Clearly an ass man, yes.
It's called having an art style. Adding your own wrinkle to standard character design is how you make your work stand out.
Oh wow! I stand corrected. Thank you so much! They are very similar though, aren't they? This guy I have to look into immediately. It can be so hard to garner information on the Japanese artists of this era, a lot of time they don't have much of a web presence, so it can be quite a puzzle figuring out who did what. I…
For sure. I love Nobuteru Yuuki. I have not seen any of his recent work however, since my anime interest waned in later years and I don't keep up with it as much. It's aways a treat discovering one of his pieces though. It's just beautiful stuff. :)
Sure thing man! There are plenty of unsung heroes of our youth that deserve to be celebrated. The artwork meant so much for the whole gaming experience. :)
Yep! :)
The american comic depicted in this article was mostly based on Zelda 2 from what I remember. A Link to the past wasn't out yet, but Nintendo Power's excellent Shotaro Ishinomori comic was a re-telling of the SNES game.
Best Zelda comic ever drawn and written. Masterpiece by Shotaro Ishimori, who is one of the elder gods of manga. It's a shame Nintendo never collaborated with that level of talent again. High-profile Nintendo comics would have been awesome. :)
Always nice to get an opportunity to discuss old school Japanese Illustrators. The painting at the top of this article is by Jun Suemi who did a ton of fantasy covers and videogame illustration back in the day. All the "Brandish" games and the "Guin Saga" books for example. He has an oil painterly style not too common…
I never saw Record of Lodoss war, but certainly kept seeing Nobuteru Yuuki's artwork all over the anime and gaming magazines. Yuuki is an incredibly skilled illustrator who worked on many awesome projects like Battle Angel Alita and lot's of Square classics, like Chrono Chross and Secret of Mana. I was raised on this…
The animator situation in Japan must improve. If it means finding another sales model for the shows, government subsidies or something, things have to change. And no wonder that anime is in decline, both in quality and popularity/cultural significance when conditions are as bad as any central asian factory slave…