
Yeah, I'd say it's actually a really good model for fighting games. Yo get to learn each character one by one, you're not overwhelmed by the roster initially, and each month a new trailer and character comes out, keeping the game in the spotlight and fans energized.

I gotta hit the sack, but here's another issue I have with this scenario. I wrote this elsewhere in this article as well. (And strange that I should try to silence a majority of people commentating by the way...)

I think it's very charming and I like your clean, animation style! Would make for a good 2nd costume in a new game. :)

My, our, personal dislike for the ludicrousness of the modern artworld should not be applied to Anna's unassuming drawings though. I'll copy paste what I wrote elsewhere to see if you agree:

I hope you make it in next time! Same for me as well. :)

Well what I find problematic is just not a larger group tearing into an "harmless", low-profile artist like this. It's part of a bigger pattern of extreme hostility towards outsiders adapting a known property, a series of conventions or an established style in an unorthodox manner. A big problem with the videogame

Save the hyperbole for the big entities though. What's the point of going nuclear on "small", unassuming artists like I'd say she is? It's fun to kick big things in the balls and stick it to the man, not so fun to stomp out those that are tiny. Harsh truths can be useful, but when it's dished out by hundreds, it

I never said that Anna's designs were good. Or that I find them personally appealing. I love Capcom's art, I adore Darkstalkers, even if I'll readily admit to my female friends that Felicia and Morrigan are stupid and objectifying and all that. Guilty as charged. I still like them. Just as I like old Red Sonja comics

Oh good, glad to know there is at least one other person who thinks it's rude to trash a single, unassuming artist this way.

Sure, but there's a difference between criticizing the myriads of artwork from a big corporation to very harshly criticizing the work of a single person. And a fairly unassuming, low profile artist from the looks of it.

Well, there was just a lot of negativity and I got annoyed. Already spent too much time here tonight.

Yeah this isn't 4th grade, this is KOTAKU COMMENT THREAD, we're in the big leagues now! It's not the place for pettiness, hyperbole, butthurt fanboyism or sheer idiocy. I don't know if casually throwing out terms like "horrible", "fugly" and whatever else these crummy comments are filled with, qualifies as valid

I am a working full-time professional artist. And very thick skinned. I don't like people being ugly and tasteless towards other artists however. Especially if it's so harmless and unassuming in nature.

I was actually super tempted myself to make some entries for the Udon Darkstalkers tribute book. I love Capcom artwork. :)

You are being very rude and mean-spirited.

Go for it! (Just be careful showing them to Kotaku.)

It's not presumptuous that a singe person, and in all likelihood not an ace concept artist, is going to be disheartened when a 200+ firing squad throws words around like "horrid", "fugly" and "awful". This mob needs to be a bit more considerate. It's a single person, not a faceless corporation. Her drawings are not

There's criticism and then there is a 250 plus firing squad. She's a single person, not a nameless game company. Why be shitty and crude needlessly? Criticism is fine, but the words thrown around are "awfu", "horrid", "fugly". Well congrats, she' bound to have a crappy night.

Okay, so you're not reading through this cacophony and seeing words like "horrid", "awful", "ugly", "sucks" repeating themselves over and over? Not negative you say? It's perfectly fine to voice your opinion and point out any flaws you perceive, but don't be jerks about it. And do realize what context I'm in. Am I one

Well, you know how commentary threads are. It's either the best thing ever or it fucking sucks. The thing is, I don't like 200+ people screaming out that a single person's artwork "sucks" or is "awful", or "horrid". Is it REALLY awful? Maybe a little bland, nothing special perhaps. But not worthy of the pitchfork mob.