Captain Murphy 2.0

I must admit, I know you’re referring to Green as one of the biggest assholes in the league, but I like him way better than Durant.

I may be biased since I’m a Knicks fan (I am definitely biased), but I love Kanter and I hope he never stops ripping on LeBron James/Jared Dudley/the Turkish President.

My parents were usually pretty liberal with things, but I was the oldest, so I had the most restrictions. When I was in 4th grade, South Park was just starting out, and it was the only thing the kids in class were talking about. I begged and begged them to let me watch, but they had already heard about how raunchy it

Yes he does. But, it’s very important that our legal system is above that.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find the whole score last night and played it. The amusement park levels and the brambles levels in particular stick out, but I can’t think of a single one that I dislike. Amazing.

Haha I actually remember being disappointed too. Maybe the only game I bought as a kid that I was genuinely disappointed by (I was pretty easy to please). I remember beating the whole thing in one day without breaking a sweat, and was thinking I got defective, half-finished version of the game.

It’s funny you said that, because after I wrote that comment and went to go find out the name of that spin off (nuts and bolts) and stumbled on Yooka-Laylee. Seems to have gotten mediocre reviews, but if it has the silly story and funny dialogue that I loved with B-K, than I’m down to try it.

I really need to play that one and the first again. The dialogue was excellent. I really wish they made a legitimate sequel (triquel?). Not a stupid spin-off, those didn’t count.

Yoshi’s Story sucked. Yoshi’s Island, on the other hand, was excellent, and I was just playing World 4 5 minutes ago.

Of course there’s an argument. I hate Boston as much as the next guy, but if you can’t admit there’s at least room for an argument for someone like Ortiz, then you’re just trolling.

I think it was less about “how” she did it (although the surviving in a vacuum thing did raise some eyebrows) but rather that it looked silly. Yoda lifting the X-Wing with his mind is cool. Yoda flipping around Count Dooku after limping into the scene is silly (although the adolescent in me thought it was cool at the

Yeah, it’s made all the worse with the blown call by the refs. As if there was any other way that game could have ended.

Took me a second. Well done.

TL;DR My teams all suck, except for the Giants (usually), but the heartbreak is always worse.

Yeah man, fuck white people and their belief that physical abuse can cause emotional harm. What a bunch of animals.

You can still feel sympathy for someone for making terrible choices without exonerating them of any guilt. She clearly was involved in the planning on some level. That’s ok. You don’t need to go into wacky conspiracy theories about how she had NO idea about any of this to express what is a genuine emotion, and one

Pictured: Me

Nixon was absolutely pressured into supporting Environmentalism, but he did take some initiative on his own. For instance, the actual formation of the EPA was an Executive Directive. He often used various domestic policies as ways to triangulate his policies and gain center and center-left support. I’m sure Nixon as a

It would have taken 30 seconds, and he has 86,350 other seconds on that one day to enjoy this honor.

God, I hate that term “problematic” lol. But I get your point. I find the habeas corpus stuff to be defensible (it IS in the Constitution, to be used in times of rebellion), and one might uncomfortably handwave Lincoln’s casual racism with a comment about the times he lived or argue that as a politician, he had to