Captain Murphy 2.0

Haha, damn, I wish I saw that.

I actually think that would be a fine choice. The wrench in the whole thing is that Christie is apparently a loyal friend of Carton’s, which might make him reluctant to accept it. Normally, I’d say Christie is a politician and has no real “friends” but rather pretends to be friends with people who will get him elected


Yeah, being completely objective, his best years were with the Mets (highest WAR of any team), but the Royals are very close. He definitely is more memorable as a Met, if only because that’s where he was for his prime (and it’s the bigger market). The Hall does try, I feel, to reward teams that have less

That would have been the safe choice. Unexciting, but defensible. I heard there were a couple complications: One, Joe plans on retiring soon (and he apparently had to be talked into even agreeing to stay a few more years), so you’d have to consider who you would partner with Evan after that. Joe and Evan are no Mike

Which is exactly what the listeners want! How many dozens (hundreds?) of times have we heard Mike do his whole “can yew believe he waited on hawld fah TWO HOWAHS? Go shuvvel an owd lady’s driveway!”. We could have had callers asking Christie how his weekend at the beach was for years.

He actually did call baseball games back in the 30s or 40s, if I remember right. Not that I was there, I just went to his Presidential Museum last year.

I don’t think I could even bring myself to put them on Dec 18th or whenever their first day is. I might have to go back to podcasts or even (ugh) listen to NY’s Number 2 radio host, Michael Kay.

Oh, he’d have been a fine choice. Just cause he’s a jerk with an 18% approval rating as a Governor doesn’t mean he couldn’t have done sports radio. In fact, I think those exact reasons are why he would have been better choice.

Everyone knew there was no right answer for who to replace Mike, but this is worse than I could have ever imagined.

As a Mets fan who despised Beltran for years after his non-swing and never fully appreciated him, I would love if he went into the Hall as a Met (the only other option is the Royals). The Mets and their fans don’t deserve that honor, sadly.

“The rock was actually at the top of the mountain.”

Saw a bunch of people get taken away in the section right next to me at Va Tech game. And certainly a lot of cops/security are at the actual section entrances overlooking the crowd, so maybe that’s where they were.

I was at the game and A) I sadly missed this and B) I have no idea where security was. The stadium was crawling with security and even police officers. I mean, I’m happy they didn’t show up, that would ended this fight prematurely, but it is puzzling how not one of them noticed the fight going on. And I’ve noticed

LeBron James retire bi—good sir.

I root for the same pro teams, plus the Rangers (who looked ready to fire their coach two weeks ago). The Rangers have picked it up lately, but there’s a very decent chance the Knicks are the best pro team I root for.

Bush: Excellent. Stage 2, complete.

There are definitely people who have gotten punched in the face who didn’t deserve it. But there are also plenty of people who have gotten punched in the face who did deserve it. That’s why you take a look at the situation to see which side it falls under! It sounds like it’s not out of the realm of possibility that

Nah, Jerry Jones is clearly the one to root for here. He’s a doofus and he’s obnoxious, but he’s better than Goodell by a long shot. Hell, I’m a Giants fan, and even I can admit that I’d take Jones over Goodell any day. To complete your analogy, ketchup on steak is weird and far from ideal, but it isn’t an abomination

Wait, are you suggesting that, in a conflict, things are kind of complicated and there are different levels of blame that each party may be expected to receive? I thought around here there were only two types of people: perpetrators and victims.