Eh, he’s Irish. That’s like only half-white, at best.
Eh, he’s Irish. That’s like only half-white, at best.
Eli hasn’t been good, but the Giants are kidding themselves if they think bringing in a rookie QB next year/playing Webb this year with this offensive line is a good idea. This such a miserable line that no one could succeed behind it.
This did not age well.
I bet you, sometime when they were still playing with peach baskets, someone once said “what’s the point of learning to dribble with your left hand when you’re a righty?”. And look at us now. Maybe this is just The Process 2.0.
Who is the most surprising butt player on that list? I would say Justise Winslow. I was convinced when he was drafted this guy was going to be an all-star contender in the East by this season. I knew, in my heart of hearts, Willie Cauley-Stein would be butt, but I still was really excited to see him play and I’m still…
Emphasis mine:
I would argue that he gave himself up and ended the play. It’s close, but that probably should have been the call.
I disagree. I hope it ends, because watching professional athletes, who normally do incredible things for a living, struggle to do something as well as the average rec league player does is very funny.
That was...actually, a really reasoned and well-thought out response. Why can’t parents actually do that?
Eh. I’ll read this later.
Lol, “You defended him this one time [I actually said it was probably not a good idea, but just not a big deal], so you probably defend him a lot more!”
Because there is literally nothing the guy does that won’t be criticized. The guy’s a dick, like you said, and to be fair, most of what he does deserves to be criticized. But sometimes you get a case like this, where it really isn’t so bad. He probably shouldn’t have tweeted it (or really shouldn’t tweet at all),…
It’s so weird. I can’t imagine seeing that actually air on tv.
Don’t mess with Mike Francesa when it comes to Italian food. There’s only one place good enough for the Sports Pope:
Whoa, that’s a reasoned and nuanced take! Don’t be having that.
Well, I honestly had no idea how a traditional Uzbek looks and dresses, but a google search actually made me think more Mongolian than Russian, but your point is well-taken., and I’ll concede that to you. For a country that is majority Muslim, they don’t seem to have the same Muslim traditions regarding attire that…
This is an outstanding comment +1
20 years ago, yes. But I think people’s perceptions have changed, and with global Communism no longer a perceived threat, I think Uzbekistan will continue to be lumped in with the Middle-East more and more. It doesn’t fit geographically or culturally, but that never stopped people before from broad generalizations.
I think our concept of the Middle-East is expanding (which isn’t necessarily good). For instance, if he was from Afghanistan, he would be described as Middle-Eastern, even though Afghanistan is not considered part of the Middle-East either, but has been in the news the last two decades in connection (truthfully or…
Domestic terrorism has killed 225 people from 2001 until the end of 2016.