Captain Murphy 2.0

Political jokes these days have been awful. No wit, and serve more often than not to mask one’s deep-seated and unwavering beliefs with a thin veil of shitty humor.

Pau Gasol or Lauri Markkanen?

Regionalism in America is alive and well. I read an article a long time ago that suggested that American nationality is divided among regions, and there is no such thing as “an American”. I think there’s a lot of truth to that. A recent book called American Nations takes a similar view and divides America

I feel that way about a lot of things that people hype up, whether it be food, tv shows, music, or whatever.. It seems to be human nature. I know I’ve found something special when it lives up to the hype, which is quite rare. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had some food item that lived up to some incredible

Normally I’d accept, but I can’t make it to Temecula. There’s a fire in the way.

I was going to say something very similar. The craze over In-n-Out is emblematic of our society’s hot takes in general. When something is good, it’s the best thing ever and you’re a sociopath if you don’t agree. When something is bad, it’s literally the spawn of Hitler. Somewhere along the way, we lost the ability to

Pop, as usual, makes some very good points is remarkably thoughtful. Dave Zirin, however, is a huge fucking douche bag.

I think that’s fair. I would say they’re both at the level of borderline starters for teams in a transition (or should be).

While the rumors were the basis of my dumb joke, I don’t think they’ll get a team. The way things ended in San Diego was so messy that I don’t think the NFL will ever return there. Not just because of the stadium issue (although it plays a role), but because of the way fan support there dwindled. For many of the same

Hey, easy there Al! Who do you think you are, stealing my material from the Deadspin comment section? I didn’t spend all this time and effort getting ungreyed to see you hijack one of my jokes.

“Go fuck yourself, San Diego Los Angeles Carson Inglewood San Diego!”

Hey Josh McCown is having a pretty good season! Hackenberg sucks, as do some of the other guys you mentioned (I have no idea how Trubisky will turn out, although I suspect, like Kaepernick, he will be pretty mediocre). Not fair to put McCown in that group, though.

I’ve always thought that the confusion over catches is somewhat overblown. I get that if you go to the ground with the ball as part of the act of catching it, you have to maintain control. There are times when it’s really close and hard to tell, but honestly, it’s not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

I’ll offer a hot take. Something else killed him. Or his injury was dramatically exacerbated by the medical staff.

I’m not sure what rule could be put in place to stop or limit this. Rules in the NFL and MLB to limit dangerous injuries are confusing and even unfair, but they are effective. What rule could possibly have made this not happen? And keep in mind it was his own teammate that did this.

In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the... Anyone? Anyone?... the Great Depression, passed the... Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered?... raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for

Typically, I subscribe to the often referenced (around here, at least) theory that obscure intangibles like “leadership”, “chemistry”, and “distraction” are usually bullshit, and serve mostly to give old hacks in print media and new hacks in comment sections something to bitch about that can’t be easily refuted. I

I don’t think you meant to use Durant as an example of passive leadership qualities. Leonard, absolutely. But not Durant.

The fart in your general direction line gets so much love that I tend to rank it rather lower, but the whole scene leading up to the rabbit with Tim the Enchanter (such a great name and reveal. He’s just sitting in the hills blowing shit up lol) is classic.

I actually teach two high school government classes, and I’m thinking about using that line for an activity