Captain Murphy 2.0

What’s funny is that I’ve seen that movie like 5+ times, and I don’t even remember that line. But I do happen to know that Ben Stein is lecturing about the effects of the Hawley-Smoot tariff. Weird what we choose to remember.

I’m gonna get really, really high later and talk to someone (who will also be high) about whether or not you can be a fascist and an anarchist at the same time. I know the answer now, but I won’t when I’m really, really high. So, thank you.

There are a million quotes from that movie that still crack me up (obviously, it is one of the funniest movies ever made), but that specific line and “is there someone else up there we could talk to?” are the absolute best for me.

Oh yes you do. You take every damn punch. And then sue the shit out of the bro and the Panthers and Budweiser and North Carolina and Trump and Bank of America and Nike and everyone else you can blame. I hurt my ankle a couple weeks ago pretty bad, and I regret I didn’t do it at work or at a stadium (I was coming home

You don’t get much more coastal than the southwest coast of Lake Michigan, when you think about it.

I’m a lifelong Mets fan. The sort that bought a Tebow jersey because I thought it would be funny. I wear it once a week now. I hate this fucking team so much. I’m glad you understand, on some level.

Mets fans? You’re annoyed by someone else hating their own team?

I’m a Giants fan who A) was optimistic about this season and B) listens to NY sports radio for hours every day. I never once heard anyone suggest that the Giants could go 16-0. Giants fans were definitely excited for the season, and expected us to go 10-6 or 11-5, with a great defense and an improved offense. Clearly,

“My motive was to basically expose the inequalities in the system,” she said. “It’s not just the NFL. The inequalities that come with being a minority compared with a white privileged person in America in general.

That I agree with. There will be enormous ramifications for this, and Fox must have been more furious than any American fan last night. They will lose a huge amount of money. I remember thinking when they signed that deal that they were maybe overpaying. Now? It’ll hurt them. I guess what they’re trying to do is get a

I meant more Dempsey and Howard. But I get you. They’re not very good, on the global level. Doesn’t mean they didn’t give us some cool moments that many fans will always remember.

I know the World Cup ratings in the US are going to take a big hit (duh), but I don’t care whether or not the US is in it, there will still be more viewers for soccer than for Cowturd or motocross. They will air it again on delay, but I fully expect them to air it live too. As to where, I can’t say. Were the World Cup

Just because Howard and co. are too old to be playing in this spot and their age played a role in this disaster doesn’t mean you can’t be sad about not seeing them compete on this stage ever again. in 2010 and 2014, rooting for those players was incredibly fun. I actually remember exactly where I was for each of those

Well, what are you gonna air live at that time slot? A re-run of the Rose Bowl? An infomercial for Athlete’s Foot Cream? Air it live for the fanatics who can’t get enough soccer, regardless of US participation, or for the folks who have ethnic or racial backgrounds that give them interest in particular teams.

Wouldn’t the Russia games also be on at the same time? I figured theyre roughly in the same time zone, at least the Western cities in Russia (where I assume the games will almost exclusively be played)

+1 plus/minus

“Appears to show”?
