Captain Murphy 2.0

Portland’s black population is around 6.3%, less than half of the national population, and considerably less than most major US cities. In fact, if you were a person who wanted to live among as many white people as possible but still benefit from living in a city, Portland would be perfect for you.

Eh, I think more would than you would think. Not that there wouldn’t be Peter King-types, of course there would be. But news outlets are usually fairly liberal, and would be more likely to support a strike. And it’s not like the NFL doesn’t get criticized anymore, that’s changed a lot over the last five years. Plenty

Sure, but in theory they wouldn’t be shortening their careers, because during the strike they wouldn’t be playing the game that impacts their bodies so much.

Nah, they just need to stop agreeing to self-destructive deals. I’m a proud union member myself at my job, but the answer here isn’t government intervention. It’s exactly what Sherman says: go on strike. The owners only care about money, so hit them where it hurts.

Did I say it was just this?

I don’t always agree with what Sherman says (I do here), but I have a ton of respect for how much thought he puts into what he says.

While, yes, that’s the best joke, the one that always gets me is “they say ‘you suck! Go back to Japan, you dirty foreigner!’”

I’d say “whoosh”, but it really wasn’t that good of a joke to begin with.


People often comment that, when it comes to charges like these, it is as much a failing of the community that raised the accused as it is his own failing. That seems a little unfair, and while normally I’d want to tell these critics to “leave ‘us’ out of it”, when it comes to Adolphus, you damn well better leave it

The last thing you want is a boring host. Christie is about as unlikeable a local politician as you can imagine (and that’s saying something, considering de Blasio is still mayor across the river), but hate him or love him (and a hell of a lot more people are in the former category), he probably will draw listeners.

All politics aside (I know, I know...), he’s actually not terrible. If being a big, pompous doofus is all it takes to hold the most influential and highest rated local sports radio show in the nation, then Christie is the man for the job. He knows his sports. I don’t know why he knows so much about sports, he should

I don’t know why, but Dwyane Wade spends more time on the court doing not basketball things than anyone I know.

That’s the thing. Is seeing the downfall of such a supreme asshole worth the disgrace of a person who has done nothing extraordinary, good or bad?

Gallinari’s contract was stupid too.

Well, the article itself points out that it doesn’t even know why K isn’t used by MLB official notification (although they certainly use it in any format besides official scorekeeping).

Because not everything needs to be changed for, as you put it, “an occasional harmless, surely unintentional, but slightly awkward reference”. If there was “absolutely nothing wrong” with the K Corner, she would literally stop the argument there. But she continues to, as I put it, “dance around” the topic by saying

Thanks for this! I’m a US History teacher, and one of the first lessons I do is about Roanoke (which someone else here mentioned). My students love it (which is saying something, because they can quite often be bored with a topic lol), and the whole “no one knows what happened! But here’s some evidence that points to

I’ve seen quite a few defend her, on different levels ranging from “well, maybe they should get rid of it” (which this website inanely danced around) to “she’s got a point, it’s racist”.