Captain Murphy 2.0

Not all outrage is disingenuous. But sometimes it is. And it should be called out when it is.

Because people assume racism? Once the answer is given (it’s not hard to just say “K means strikeout, and they’re counting strikeouts”), the confusion ends.

That’s not what they’re doing. Some “social justice” concerns are totally valid. This one is a lot more about virtue signaling.

An excellent point. And it makes sense too! The “K” sound in “struck out” is quite noticeable when you say it.

And why would we? We could change the whole notation system around, and serve only to confuse ourselves and those in the future.

The following part is “C”, the final paragraph, which the comment I was responding to mentioned. This was a good article until that last part.

Yeah, but as a small child, I’m sure you were able to reason out “hm, that’s the name of the racist group! That’s a weird coincidence, but I’m sure there’s a not-racist explanation for this.”

Yeah, this article should have been formatted as “A. Haha look at this moron on Twitter” followed by “B. This is the story about where the ‘K’ notation came from and why it’s used in parks today!”

Couldn’t agree more +1

Also worth pointing out that, at no point, did she take a picture of video of the Braves fans doing the Tomahawk Chant.

“For any knowledgable baseball fan, that’s basically irrelevant and easy to ignore, but for newcomers to the game, it can raise concerns. Last year, during Game 7 of an instantly legendary World Series, the triple-K was displayed, and people somewhat understandably moaned.”

The worst Yankee-biased award I can remember was the 2001 Cy Young. Clemens won that with a 1.257 WHIP

Yeah, I was referring more to the fans of those teams in this case, but that’s true

I don’t know why, but I feel worse for Utah than I did for OKC when Durant left, or Orlando when Dwight forced a trade (although that might have been for the best), or really any of the other recent examples of star players leaving. Something about it really just does seem sad.

He’s not even that good.

It’s worse than the time he didn’t know what a bicycle kick was, and then pretended that he was right all along.

Oh he’s someone who, as the saying goes, “thinks the fans show up to watch him”.

It’s the dumbest thing ever, and to my knowledge, they’ve done it for their entire existence

West is detestable because he makes shitty music, but he’s nowhere near as bad at making calls as those other guys.

Is this satire? If so, it’s excellent.