Captain Murphy 2.0

I didn’t mean to give you the impression that Phil was good. He was not. He sucked. I just argued that, on two points, he did some defensible things. I also pointed out that he signed Melo to the terrible contract, so not sure why you included that.

That’s a fine argument. It definitely hurt competitive balance. My issue is that people say the Process doesn’t work. It definitely works, it’s a smart idea for a franchise. The effect it has on the league as a whole though is definitely undesirable.

Oh, I’m not saying Melo SHOULD help him. Melo isn’t responsible for anyone but himself. But if you’re running a franchise, and you’re trying to get a young player to improve with live action experience, you don’t want a ball stopper who shoots 20+ times a game on the team. It doesn’t add much to Porzingis’ game.

Yeah, they kinda had the tanking situation forced on them, and it took them a while to embrace it. But, hey, it’s worked out alright. Cleared cap space and got a really good draft pick in Ball.

I sure as hell wish the Knicks did it.

Well, worse is ideal if you’re already bad. And if it gets him to waive his no trade clause, then mission accomplished. Which he stupidly gave to Melo in the first place.

That’s sort of the thing. Sports is a results-based industry (like many), and their success will sadly decide whether or not the process was a good idea. They could suck, the players could get hurt, and the process was still the right move, because it elevated their chances (you can debate how much it helped, as you

Sure, but the Lakers were doing there own version of the Process. Suck for years and acquire assets. They weren’t as 100% committed, but they used he blueprint.

Those were the years, yeah. The team’s location will always matter in some small way.

Some wanted Monk, but I don’t think he has the same upside. He’ll probably be a better player in the long run, but has a lower chance of being a great player.

Sure! You can definitely get good players there, but it’s a total crap shoot. Better to be picking at the top of the draft to maximize your chances.

I think there’s more going on than just that, but ultimately, you’re right. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

I’ve tried. Honestly, at this point, it looks like those anti-Hinkey hot takes are up there for click bait more than any actual rational value. What the Sixers did was smart, and maybe it works out or maybe it doesn’t, but the chances are a hell of a lot better than where they likely would have been. Which is the

RIP Vince Foster

Picking Ntilikina is a totally defensible move. Jackson didn’t make many of those, but this was one of them. It’s a home run shot, just like Porzingis. It’s always been hard for NBA teams and analysts to evaluate European talent, and by all accounts, Ntilikina has really high upside. He might end up being a top PG,

As a Knicks fan, this is the right move, just months (years?) too late. His issue wasn’t so much making the team suck; they sucked before him for years, and they’ll probably suck in the future, even once his damage is undone. It was the dysfunction. He just didn’t seem to know what he was doing.

DKC2 was probably my favorite game ever for a good 3 years. I still know those levels like the back of my hand.

Sounds good

I live in a majority Latino area as well, and I can name three places that will deliver burritos. One of the places is literally a block away, but I shamelessly order from them once a month or two.

Very true, but if you’re looking at the Rose deal in a vacuum, on it’s own merits, it was a victory for the Knicks. The Noah deal sucks, but it wasn’t part of the Rose deal.