Captain Murphy 2.0

The Miami public transit system has to be among the worst, if not the worst, of major US cities. Also, building the stadium in Overtown is just about the stupidest idea I could think of. Actually, although I can’t stand the location, I would argue that building it next to Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens might be

*adjusts glasses*

In most cases, NFL teams can’t have their entire fortunes change with one player. Now, the obvious exception is drafting a QB, but how often is there a can’t-miss QB prospect? It’s not very common, and you are way more likely to see teams panic and do something mind-numbingly stupid like what the Bears just did. Luck

My theory is proven. I enjoyed all of that. Fuck Mike & Mike.

I’ve always felt that there are good liberals and bad liberals. And, Holy Shit, have the bad liberals been loud lately.

This comment thread reminded me about how bad the comment section has been lately. Not your comment, which was great sarcasm. Just the morons who took you seriously. There’s nothing worse than someone who’s too self-serious, and that’s what I’ve seen here more and more the past year.

See, not the hugest fan of Stugotz. But, I gotta say, I think we could all take a lesson from Papi and just enjoy sports, TV and life itself a little more. I want to be like Papi when I’m old.

To be fair, as long as you don’t have a speech impediment, you can do whatever the fuck it is that these Mike characters do. There are talented sports journalists and broadcasters out there, but they sure as hell aren’t gonna be found doing a show on ESPN. Except Le Betard; I like him.

Francesa, for as dopey as he can be, was always entertaining. Sometimes he didn’t know it, but I would rather listen to Francesa straight mumble for 30 seconds (which he’s done) than any of this Mike drivel for 3 seconds. Francesa is a blowhard, but I never had to sit through a two minute Subway ad to tease which QB

That’s actually exactly how the Cavs got where they are lol. They were awful for a few years, drafted Irving, traded Wiggins for Love, and signed LeBron with open cap room.

It’s very good, and involves Brown actively messing with the cops.

You know that old definition of insanity, doing the same thing but expecting different results? I sat down to watch the lottery and had day dreams of the Knicks winning it. Or even just making the top 3.

Rapaport showing up once every few months is the number one reason to listen to Bill Simmons’ podcast. And, as time goes on, I find fewer and fewer reasons to keep listening.

LaVar Ball is the fucking Joker. Just wants to watch the world burn.

I’m a Knicks fan, so I feel the need to clown on the Nets every now and then, even though my team isn’t in too much of a better spot. So, I send that exact photo to my other Knicks fan buddy. Because it still is the funniest thing ever, and makes me forget the dumb shit the Knicks do for just a second. I remember when

The lesson as always? Tank. And don’t half-ass your tanking, like the Knicks.

Found the one you mentioned (took out the apostrophe in “Amare”, in case you were wondering). Never mentioned any tear. Just that he kicked him in the back of the heel.

Does a metaphorical Achilles count? Cause here’s a metaphorical Achilles article where Stoudemire is mentioned

And? Go on...

That must have been some attack on Amar’e Stoudamire’s Achilles. The funny thing about that, although, is that Amar’e Stoudamire never had surgery on his Achilles. And a google search of “amar’e stoudamire achilles” doesn’t turn up anything regarding that. At all. So... no, that didn’t happen.