Soon, there won’t be.
Soon, there won’t be.
I’ve always said that about the Nationals logo. Thank you. The DC logo looks way better.
I’m too lazy to find it, but one of my favorite jokes of all time was from The Sports Show with Norm Macdonald (I’m still furious they cancelled it). Went something like this: “Studies show that ever since the Washington Bullets changed their name to Wizards, deaths from gun violence in Washington D.C. have gone down…
My point with the NBA has always been that nearly everyone agrees that, except for a few outliers, LeBron James has been the most valuable player every year for the last 10+ years. Like, you might get a season like Curry’s last year where you can argue otherwise, but LeBron does more for his team than I have ever seen…
I didn’t mention his offense. He was a good offensive player, and, at times, great. You cited his three Gold Gloves as evidence of his defensive prowess. If you believe that, then you might also support the theory that Bonds was not worthy of a Hall of Fame induction. Following the opinions of old, biased writers,…
Yes lol. The same reason why half the awards are given to players. Take the NBA for example. If MVP means some combination of “best player” and “player who contributes the most to his team’s success”, can you really argue that it hasn’t been LeBron James almost every year for the last decade? He’s only won four of…
I would agree with you, but that Gold Glove argument kinda ruins it. He was at best an average defender overall, and by the end of his career, he was one of the worst shortstops in baseball.
I think not using your blinkers should be punishable by jail time, but that one might actually be true.
The gender discrimination then, I would argue, would probably occur at the lower levels. There’s no reason, whatsoever, that a woman couldn’t coach a men’s high school basketball team, with whatever experience she has in basketball. And that’s a lot harder to measure or even learn about (I mean, how many high school…
Good point on McAdoo and Gase (I’m a Giants fan, so I’m a little embarrassed to learn that I didn’t know McAdoo was one of the few). I remember that Todd Haley also had never played in college. Playing experience, you’re right, does not seem to matter as much in the NFL as it does in the MLB (I honestly can’t name a…
My point was “almost all coaches played the sport at the collegiate level or higher.” I made no assertion about the number of pro coaches who played at the pro level. Which is true, many NFL coaches don’t make that far. But almost all (I think someone else said 30 of the 32 coaches) played college football. Walsh and…
I was referring to professional sports, not college. But, I think a woman who has played the sport is much better suited to coach that. You’re absolutely right that the two sports are more different than one would think. I think that gender discrimination occurs, in that scenario, with men getting the job over a…
I know that, I was wondering whether or not he will still be in the booth with a different play-by-play guy. I had heard he was going to the studio rather than taking the demotion to the number two team.
Well, coaching comes from the lack of women who play those sports. Almost all coaches (although, not 100%, and that number is changing too) played the sport at the collegiate level or higher. There are no women who play tackle football at the collegiate level (wasn’t there a female kicker for LSU’s practice squad a…
Well, that’s true of anything. That Ron Artest/Metta World Peace (or whatever the hell he was calling himself) elbow or the Roger Clemens bat throwing incident were both claimed as “accidental” (and even I’ll admit that those were more obviously intentional than Pachulia’s). So, no, no one knows if it was intentional…
Not a Spurs fan, but nice try! I guess if you can’t prove that this was unintentional, just make it look like I’m biased! Even though I am not, and never said that I was, rooting for the Spurs or Leonard.
I like how you used “non-dominant foot”, as if a professional athlete doesn’t have the spatial awareness to guess where his “non-dominant foot” is going to land. Or that because Kawaii Leonard is really good, that somehow makes it less likely that Pachulia could have done this. So, I’m guessing that if it was his…
I’m going to have to assume you didn’t watch the replay. Or you are selectively forgetting the part when Pachulia lands, and then slides his foot under Leonard. It wasn’t even a particularly subtle dirty play. He couldn’t have been more obvious about it.
So, you don’t think that was a dirty play? lol
Zaza went up to contest the shot, landed, stuck his foot under Leonard and then looked to see the outcome of the shot.