Captain Murphy 2.0

I love how the defense of it doesn’t actually address how Pachulia’s foot “accidentally” ends up right under Leonard’s. I get people mocking Spurs fans because Bowen used to do this, but no one could watch that play and not see it as dirty.

That may be, but it doesn’t explain how Zaza managed to get his foot under Leonard. It was a dirty play, even if it was helped by the play the previous possession.

I actually didn’t know that. I remember thinking “I think it’s pretty cool we get to play in two of these things, but why are we the away team in both?”.

I don’t know what this is, but I like it.

See, I don’t mind AV so much. Didn’t have a great series, but he’s not one of the ones on the ice in those last two minutes of these games.

Don’t think it really matters. Give the MVP to the best regular season player. Everyone knows that’s what the award is for anyway.

Unrelated, but can we get rid of the “three-way handshake” thing? It has never looked good. It just makes everyone look awkward. And it reminds me of this:

One does not need to be “tough” to be “dirty”. Take Sidney Crosby for example.

Check the ratings man. The WNBA Finals do about what a mid-level Professional Bowling tournament does. Maybe a little less. People are watching the other sports. Ratings might be a little down here or there, but they are still incredibly high. I bet the NBA ratings are as high as ever the past couple years, regular

This is a great point +1

Yeah man, exactly. Like I said, not everything is offensive, despite all the effort people use to be offended by anything (that Steve Martin tweet about Carrie Fisher comes to mind). But, seriously, harassing someone who reported a true story? They deserve a real apology. In fact, no one else truly deserves an apology

Someone, over in PR world, has to realize that saying “I apologize you were offended by this” is no longer working, right? Like, it’s so obviously fake, and makes the “apologizer” look even worse. We definitely live in a world where people get offended way too often, but harassing someone who diligently and correctly

I sense there’s an underlying joke there that I’m missing (where’s #2?), but it brings up an interesting point. I have heard of 1Oak, and its pretty famous for... well, they call it “1Coke”. It’s a legit nightclub, and no one goes there for a drink and then leaves.

There is no “pro-Mets” or “anti-Mets” paper. All major papers are more than happy to report on, and pile on, the Mets whenever they do something stupid.

That was the one thing about the whole hating on Ray Allen thing. Objectively, Allen is the only likable person of the group. I’ll admit, I have a soft spot for Rondo, but that’s kind of an ironic thing. I know what an asshole he is. I don’t particularly have strong feelings about Davis, but if I did, they would be

Summer between 2nd and 3rd grade, my parents signed me up for Little League. Being new to baseball, and living in the NY area, I had to pick a favorite team. I decided to pick the Mets, because my best friend was a Yankees fan and we had a fun rivalry going on.

The “death by” is unnecessary and ultimately clutters the headline.

Yeah, she’s not the only one I’ve seen do that. So, I’m sure you’re right, but that doesn’t make it an effective style. It’s not a criticism of Emma per se, but rather whoever decided that that was an appropriate style. It’s repetitive. A suicide, by definition, is death. If it wasn’t, it would be an “attempted