Captain Murphy 2.0

I agree. Excessive. Thanks for correcting me on the rule. For the first ten minutes of the quarter, I propose that (once you’re in the penalty), any away from the ball penalty allows for any player on the court (fouled team chooses) to shoot 2 free throws without getting the ball back. I think that’s the easiest

Basketball, to me, has always been the hardest game to officiate. What is or isn’t a foul has always seemed so...well, subjective to me. Even more than in other sports.

Whoa, easy there man. Show some RE6P2CT.

I support free speech. I really do. I think that it is truly one of the things America does right. Our freedom of speech, even speech which is unpopular or even malicious, is a fundamental right.

When I was in school, I had trouble understanding how the hell settlers could have hunted buffalo to extinction. I mean, there were like millions of buffaloes.

I support Hack-a-Shaq, because it’s funny. However, the solution is easy. If you foul a player without the ball, then the team who was fouled gets to choose any player on the court to shoot the free throws. I believe those are the rules in the last two minutes anyway, or something close to it. Just extend that to the

Counterpoint: I like it, because it is funny. Same reason why I like Hack-a-Shaq. To me, comedy rules over aesthetic value. I’m such a shitty fan.

First of all, I would absolutely eat this. Not because it looks good, but because it is food, and contains many different foods that I like (even if they look unappetizing in their preparation). I also would eat it because I have no standards. That is not my point, though.

I liked Brassard as much as the next fan, but I’ve been happy with Zibanejad. I’ve enjoyed the focus on that trade, it makes for a great narrative.

Now if only we can stop with the stupid penalties...looking at you Kreider.

You seem like a really fun person.

lol. I guess you’re totally cool with how Irish people were treated? Jesus...

I honestly would love to know if there’s another country where flying the flag of a treasonous organization next to the flag of the country they betrayed is not only common place, but, really, most people don’t bat an eye. Like, you’ve seen a logo like the one below on a shirt worn by someone, but could you imagine

I have indeed. North Florida, actually. Would never argue there aren’t serious ramifications of racism there. There really are. Just that the effects of racism in the North are very real too, and often ignored in comparison.

We may very well. I was just expressing my frustration with ivory tower-ers, who love to point out the flaws in others, but are woefully ignorant of the ones near them. Of course, Northerners can and should point out bigotry when they see it, but I see far too many of them willing to accept/ignore that which goes on

Sure, and many are still alive in the North who rioted when told their white children had to go to school with black children, just like they did in the South.

Oh, there’s institutional racism in the North too.

I think the economic factors that come from that Northern racism is just as damaging.

I totally get your point, but I my argument is that the effects of said racism is just as present in the North. The North happens to be a better place to live by most measures (in terms of lifespan, per capita income, and so on) and that rising tide lifts all boats, but I think the subtle racism in the North (or,

The whole country was built on racism. They should tear down every statue of Confederates, as well. And I’m sure someone has done studies on this, but I guarantee you those disproportionate law enforcement abuses exist in the North as well. I would be interested to see if the South is worse than the North in that