
Since they are jelly fish, I think I will recommend peanut butter as my home remedy. After all what goes better than PB&J? ...sneaks quietly away.

It’s worse that all that. They don’t need to spy on us, we broadcast and publish everything we do, complete with video and photos, on social media. Why listen to your refrigerator when they can just read your twitter or facebook?

Yeah she ambushes Spicer on a private trip and accuses the president and Spicer of treason and the story is a comment by Spicer that you decide is racist. You are such a moron. And no that has nothing to do with your race. Just your biased moronic attitude and useless blog.

Actually some microwave ovens use microphones as acoustic sensors for the popcorn mode. That could be conceivably be turned into a listening device. Not sure how you would listen remotely though since I know of no MW ovens that are hooked into the internet. So no camera but listening? possible but unlikely.

yep. Google is its own worst enemy. They can’t leave working products alone. In fact the original version of hangouts was much better than the current one, with more features.

Wow, so basically no matter what he says, it is not good enough for you libtards. If he tweeted, “get back to work” you would be pissed, but since he actually tweeted something supportive, you still are pissed. Grow up.

I would like to propose a new protest: A Week Without A Liberal.

Yeah so I really didn’t get the whole “a day without a woman” thing. They wanted to protest that they were worth as much as a man by NOT working like the men did, showing that they really don’t care about their jobs or their coworkers who had to pick up their slack, and probably got brownie points for doing so,

Yeah go ahead and try it. Did you know chopped onions will freaking catch on FIRE in a microwave? They spark like crazy and are scary as hell.

Wait. what? If you don’t want to eat the heat, then don’t use hot peppers in the first place! The “hot” in the hot peppers is the best thing, and you want to throw it away? Oh the shame of it all.

Corn is one of the most common ingredients in dog food. If it were bad for dogs that would not be the case.

cool idea. But you could save more time and money by just using the laptop lid as your “case” instead of building one out of MDM, etc.

No. Both are GENETIC.

I have always found Five Guys fries to be greasy and soggy to begin with.

I use TeamViewer on my Raspberry Pi. It has the advantage of working on just about any platform and is very easy to set up.

wow. Journalism is supposed to be about truth and be unbiased. Yet here we can see you have an agenda, to destroy Trump and have created a site to collect rumors. That is so sad. You guys are so corrupt and fascist. You have become what you claim you hate. Congrats. “good journalism” - what a laugh!

I can’t wait till they get google fiber here. I will drop my cable company like a hot rock. Spectrum. Paying $172 for cable and internet and two boxes. A complete ripoff. And I only watch about 15 channels out of 900 or so crap channels they sell me. I wish I could buy only the channels I want. I don’t need 600 music

Paul figured out all this 2000 years ago. Read Philipians 4.

Circle of Lies.

I am so glad I had my tonsils removed when I was 6. whew.