
#2 (chat) sounds too passive. They would just shut you down and walk all over you. I would just be direct and say, “Bob, you might not be aware of it but you take charge of all of the projects and proceed to treat me like a subordinate. Bob, this needs to stop. We are co-workers, and while I appreciate any advice and

Wait. What? I thought the liberals promote the concept that you can “self-identify” as whatever you want? And if you don’t accept it then you are a bigot!

Great plan. I did that for 10 years. But there comes a time when you are spending overall too much on repairs and dealing with breakdowns at inconvenient times and it makes more sense to get a new vehicle. So beware of junkers. Get something reliable.

Trade goods. You can’t eat or use gold or cash. Candy, Whiskey, Soda, that’s what people will want in the apocalypse, baby!

I take my advice from a Nigerian Prince.

Great. A wonderful example of liberal tolerance. Keep it up. No wonder Trump won, you all can’t help but tear each other apart while preaching togetherness and tolerance. Nice job.

Look under “pace-setting” under “when it doesn’t work” - it’s there.

I am holding out for the “More Cowbell” Dash button.

I am holding out for the “More Cowbell” Dash button.

I am probably the highest-ranked average person in the country. I excel at being average. I have three awards for it.

This scam is used a lot by modeling agencies. They tell the model that they have to pay for headshots and such. A good agency would pay for it themselves.

I find it strange that the Democrats simultaneously think that giving Trump power of nukes is dangerous and will lead to WW3, and that the Russians hacked the election to put him in charge. What? so he can nuke them? Both can’t be true. Unless he isn’t a danger, or the Russians are suicidal.

So what you are saying is that you should be a narcisist and only care about yourself and not others, that way you won’t feel bad? Good luck with that.

I bought an apple watch from a woot sale (refurbished). I was not about to pay full price for it. Like you said, for the first few weeks it was great, but now, 6 months later, the only thing I really use it for is 1. Tell time. 2. get notices of emails and text (I like the vibration notices vs sound) 3. Calendar

I hate these things. If it is set up AS A GAG, then fine. But too many times I have been involved in these things where it was THE Family Gift Exchange, because it was “too expensive” to buy everyone a gift. And without fail, even when we set something like a $50 limit, people would give gag gifts or crap they got

I tell my family to set up an up to date amazon wish list for things they want. Then we all shop from those wish lists. It keeps track of what is bought so you don’t duplicate things. I also tell them if they don’t have an up to date list, they will get a gift card and they can buy what they want.

Great survival hack. ...If you happen to have a drill and a glue gun, perfectly sized PVC pipe and electricity handy while you are dying in the woods.

Evening, before bed. That way I am not crawling into bed all dirty. And it means I can get out of the house in 20 minutes in the morning and beat traffic. Get up, brush teeth, shave, get dressed, feed dog, and gone.

Another good tactic is to use a fake or unusual spelling of your first name, like using Johnny instead of John. That helps for spotting spam in your email and even postal mail. As soon as you see the name Johnny, for instance, you know it is junk and can toss it.

Did you stop wearing clothes because of Bill Clinton’s episode with Monica’s blue dress?

Nice article, Patrick. I have often thought of quitting my career as a Hugo award winning novelist to become a blogger.