Captain JibJab

I watched both games, Chris! The Bucks win was over with plenty of time to flip over. 

Nah, you can fuck off. He sided with racists over people of color protesting injustice. You don’t get to disclaim responsibility and blame the football folks when you’re the goddamn owner. And what are you afraid of, Paul? Losing a tiny fraction of the billions you’re worth because of some dumbass with a racist agenda

This fuckhead is an embarrasment to his noble name. Shameful.

A pernicious aspect of white supremacy is that it infects not just white people - but everyone in society. I grew up being called racist shit by people who were of different races. Hell, we have a poster in this thread who said that “Arabs are the most racist, selfish entitled people I’ve ever been around” - which is

I’m guessing you don’t watch a lot of Inside, Patrick, because they argue like this at least once a week and it’s clear that they are not actually angry at one another. Their whole schtick is to argue with one another and make fun of each other. Chuck goes at Shaq with the classic “you were carried by Kobe and Wade”

This reminds me a bit of America’s Black Holocaust Museum in Milwaukee. Founded by Dr. Cameron, it was an institution which documented the history of slavery and Jim Crow in America. Dr. Cameron actually survived a lynching attempt in Marion, Indiana, and, from what I recall, his museum included images and footage of

There is nothing I find more infuriating than a person using their identity to justify marginalizing people who share that identity. It’s like when all these fake-ass Middle Eastern “Terrorism Experts” go on Fox News and peddle anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bullshit to white audiences to justify their bigotry. They

Well, now my newest comment has been deleted again, Yesha. That’s too bad. Instead of offering an explanation that indicated to me that you weren’t just peddling anti-Middle Eastern bullshit, the delete button was pressed.

I’m not sure what happened to your reply to my comment, Yesha, because it won’t pop up when I clink on the permalink. Maybe it got deleted?

That owner is obviously a piece of shit for thinking that it was appropriate to confront you over a Yelp Review.

That’s the joke.

EJ reported during a commercial look-in that she informed LeBron about Erin’s passing before they went live, and asked him if he wanted to comment. So, no, I don’t think they sprung it on him.

Holy Shit.


The general consensus from Islamic scholarship is that taste-testing your cooking while you’re fasting is permissible.

The debate is about who had a harder route towards their final. In order to answer than question, you’re going to actually have to evaluate who had the harder route. A round-by-round analysis is far more useful in answering that question than the more arbitrary head-to-head pairings that you’re using.

You have an odd way of comparing teams.

That’s pretty damn pedantic, Timothy.