Captain Janeway

sorry about your grandfather. our best friend’s grandmother died last week, and they had a quick burial and shiva and were SHOCKED when we sent them a bagels and lox basket. but that’s hard, and we wanted to do whatever we could. hugs and here’s an e-basket of bagels and lox.

thank you wisht :D i usually don’t care for birthdays but i feel this is a big one.

i voted for hillary. my husband likes hillary but voted for bernie bc he too is a socialist jew. it didn’t matter since our state went to hillary no contest.

aw your mom. we’re moving to ca and my husband’s mom literally starts sobbing each time she sees us.

hi everyone! my bday is next week! it’s my last year of my 20s ahhhh!

lol yeah. and they eyebrows are just so harsh and awful.

oy the makeup on that tiffani girl is too much. too too too much girl.

goddamn i love this series.

hairiness? i’m hairier than most of the white dudes i meet.

ugh don’t ruin this for us!

How remarkable to see them both using a hijabi in the ad. Obama shied away from that so much because of all those accusations swirling around him. Bernie even has signs and posters in Arabic!

I dunno. The look on her face says otherwise.

Hey, whatever floats your boat.

haha i had the same thought

I hope she took some cheesecake to go, and when she got to her hotel she poured a mug-ful of wine and ate a ton of cake.

This is actually really depressing. We’re finally watching the OJ thing on FX and my first thought seeing her pining for the cake was Marcia Clark and all the abuse she got for her clothes/hair/being a woman. :/

I LOVE AMERICAN GODS!!!! One of my favorites. I love Neil Gaiman in general. I’ll add Louise Penny to my list! I love all fiction, so I’m totally down :)

So I stayed up late last night and finished reading it. I was ok with it while reading but, but when I finished it I HATED it. I spent so much time reading it!

I love YA! Thank you! I’ll add it to my list.

I read Americanah on my sister’s recommendation. I enjoyed it but was ultimately let down. Maybe I’m just too critical!