captainjackharknessballs do you get gonorrhea in your eye?

Ithaca is a weird town is all I got . .. I mean "Sisters of Stella Maris" and shit on the main drag and that other university and it is NY and dot dot dot - just putting this out here to help -

This is also my experience. I know many good men who might not read bell hooks, but who practice active consent, respect boundaries, and listen more than they speak when women are discussing their experiences. The guy that walks in yelling about his reading list and his personal practices is the guy that I do not

I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world

Give the lil Dude a break - he working out - doing pushups and shit. . .

sounds like this*

I would rob a bank. But I would never be a bank robber.

*something like this or these?

*fixed it

I can't believe that $1 "safe ride" fee isn't working.

But WHICH feminist symbol? The clenched fist in a Venus symbol? A bra on fire? That naked anime chick who shoots lightning out her vagina?

I will fucking pound your doughy face into a feminist symbol, you sack of shit.