
if you drove one and financed it for that rate - lol - what happened - and NO the car sucks even the first year when they had the stick shift version - which btfw was apparently taken from a toyota pickup truck or something - LOOOOONG PEDAL for real and I am six and a half plus feet tall and it was a joke - and no I

*try crabs - best quote ever from an Optometrist to some fifty something socialite in PBI area - "sorry ma'am this is what is called 'crabs' and it is an STD"

*something. . .


*alternatively - keep your gps enabled phone on you and when the shit happens to hit a fan and you actually need to prove you were not doing whatever they say you did - reference the metadata of your uploads and text times and etc and REALLY PEOPLE

*lemme guess ? or did I miss location in the article...

Ithaca is a weird town is all I got . .. I mean "Sisters of Stella Maris" and shit on the main drag and that other university and it is NY and dot dot dot - just putting this out here to help -


*a male cannot be a "Feminist" only an ally - the young guy trying to understand but not quite understanding might honestly assume something else - but on the real - NO MAN is a Feminist - only an ally - no matter how dedicated - having a penis disqualifies one from fully EVER being one.

Give the lil Dude a break - he working out - doing pushups and shit. . .

" "what do you no consequences"?

not relevant analogy - but the demographic you talking to here are mostly young so maybe - but still - NOPE. . . sorry

sounds like this*

if one say adds an alternative address to their bank account - and then goes to the fl dmv website - - afterward obviously - since - THE BANK does not usually (or ever) check on the addresses you give if they have the previous one - One could hypothetically get ANY address like the one above very easily if one already

*something like this or these?

*fixed it